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@sofiacarson London, it has been a pleasure! 💋  Tagged: @spidermanmovie

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@sofiacarson London, it has been a pleasure! 💋  
Tagged: @spidermanmovie

1 640 297 likes  87 154 comments

@username our queen👑

@username You are so beautiful!

@username she is so slutty, I cant...

@username @username then you are free to leave her page

@Zendaya Stunning!

@username Tom is a lucky guy👏👏

@username she looks weird

@sofiacarson @Zendaya 😘 😘

@username I cant wait to see the movie soon

@tomholland2013 👀🙌

@username haha Tom can't hold himself back

@username cutie

@tomholland2013 I might have had a serious face, but I swear I was smiling on this inside!

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@tomholland2013 I might have had a serious face, but I swear I was smiling on this inside!

817 499 likes  48 164 comments

@username you're cute

@username This jacket looks great on him👌

@username soo hot!

@username I'm so in love with him

@username this movie is perfection, I LOVED IT!

@sofiacarson damn👅

@username Thank you for coming to London!!

@tomholland2013 @sofiacarson 😉 

@username they are the cutest with their flirty comments

@username his hair looks so good

@sofiacarson Interviews, photoshoots and meetings

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@sofiacarson Interviews, photoshoots and meetings. Three more days of our premiere tour before I get to head back home. It has been an amazing journey!

1 672 933 likes  189 276 comments

@username her leg omg so hot

@username yas slay us!!😻

@username why does she always have to be so slutty?

@username she is an angel😇

@rubyasht0n Three more days and you are back with meeee

@username I loved the movie, nice job

@tomholland2013 If you roast me in one more interview I'm done with you Sofia😒

@sofiacarson @rubyasht0n 😏 

@username I like her dress

@sofiacarson @tomholland2013 aww babe, don't take it too serious!

@hazosterfield @sofiacarson don't mind him, ROAST HIM👍

@rubyasht0n Tom I'm sorry, but you are easy to roast, you can't blame Sofia @tomholland2013

@username does he want to break up with her?😱

@tomholland2013 @hazosterfield damn I got some great friends @rubyasht0n just because you can always make fun of me it doesn't mean I can be roasted all the time!😠

@username wow he is hurt guys

@hazosterfield (yes it does)

@tomholland2013 I still hate you @hazosterfield


Web boi 🕸 
you know Sofia I would be really
greatful if you stopped
roasting me all the time 

brand new MJ 💃 
what? Tom this was just a joke

Web boi 🕸 
I'm not laughing

brand new MJ 💃
you can't be serious

Web boi 🕸 
I am serious
you, Haz and Ruby
all joked about me
and I'm just not feeling it

brand new MJ 💃
but that's the point, it was just

Web boi 🕸 
but it's not fun for me!!!!

brand new MJ 💃
okay okaaay

read 5:23 pm

you want to get dinner?

read 5:28 pm


read 5:30 pm

are you really ignoring me?
I didn't do anything!!

Web boi 🕸 
Sofia I'm serious about it
and yet you still act like it's nothing

 brand new MJ 💃
cuz I feel like it's nothing
I don't see what's the big deal about it

Web boi 🕸 
the big deal is that you keep making
fun of me even though I asked
you not to and I feel like you
didn't even listen to me when I
said that to you

I like jokes but when it's always about
me it's not fun
and I don't want my girlfriend and
friends roast me in front of my followers

I'm not always in the best mood and
right now I don't feel like it I'm sorry 

brand new MJ 💃 
I didn't realize it bothered you
so much I'm so sorry
you know I wouldn't want to
hurt you on purpose
I'll stop with the jokes

 Web boi 🕸
it's okay, just...
don't make fun of me this much

brand new MJ 💃 
I won't
I'm sorry😔

Web boi 🕸
It's okay

brand new MJ 💃 
Two minutes and I'm up in our room
want to cuddle and watch House
until we doze out?😊

 Web boi 🕸
you wanted to get dinner?!

brand new MJ 💃 
I just left the McDonald's down the street
I got it covered

Web boi 🕸 
sounds like an awesome plan
waiting for you 😏

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