Chapter 5 - Katie

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Keith found himself constantly stuck in thought, he'd spend hours hypothesising only to dismiss all the conclusions he came to. He simply couldn't understand the meaning behind Pidge's words, her suspicion, what speculations she had of Lance. Regardless if he were to get any answers he'd have to confront the other teen.

A progressive ringing cuts into the pale boy's thoughts dragging him back to a dull classroom. Hastily he gathered up his minimal belongings and clambered his way out into the growing crowd. Morning break, his time was heavily limited. Wasting no time he navigated his way to the library as he'd remembered Lance informed him Pidge and Hunk often spend all breaks other than lunch in the library.

As he approached the library he detected a short teen with light hazelnut hair wearing thin-rimmed circular glasses, just the teen he was looking for. Picking up his pace he called out to the girl, "Pidge!" he had expected her to glance his way and pause but it was quite the opposite, as if she hadn't heard the calling of her name she continued on into the library, slightly dejected Keith followed after her. Trying again, though decreasing his volume and tapping the back of her shoulder this time, he called out to her, "Hey, Pidge."
Finally acknowledging his presence the girl spared him a glance, but, before he could continue prompting her she brushed him off, uttering only the words, "Sorry, not right now", before quietly venturing deeper into the library, leaving the pale teen completely baffled and lost for words.

Bewildered Keith figured he'd seek out Lance. Soon, however, ringing was once again heard throughout the school, signalling the commencement of classes. The tanned, chocolate haired boy was unfortunately nowhere to be found.


With the ultimate arrival of lunchbreak Keith impatiently bolted from the classroom, determined to finally acquire some answers.
Upon reaching their usual lunch table the raven haired boy was slightly taken aback by the seemingly tense atmosphere that greeted him. Unlike the previously lively table he recalled this one was rather grim.

Hunk focused on his food, not a single word escaped his mouth, Pidge sat in silence prodding at her food with a fork, she seemed to be rather on edge, and Lance, it seems, had yet to arrive. Cautiously approaching the table Keith greeted the two, "Hey"
Hunk briefly shifted his focus to greet the pale teen back, "Hey, Keith"
Pidge on the other hand simply grunted, Hunk flinched slightly at Pidge's attitude as Keith's irritation grew, "That's it! What is up with you Pidge? You've been acting moody towards me all day, did I do something wrong or what?" Keith burst out reaching the limits of his patience, to this Hunk shot him a panicked expression.
Placing down her fork with a sigh the smaller teen dismissed, "Just, drop it Keith"
The raven haired teen was astonished at the smaller teen's constant unreasonable dismissals of him and her ill-mannered attitude was grinding on his nerves, "Wha-" before he could continue however he was cut off by a higher pitched voice, "Katie!"
"Katie?" Keith questioned, confused at the unfamiliar name directed towards the smaller teen in front of him.
At the mention of the name however Pidge's tolerance appeared to snap, rising from her seat and slamming her palms down onto the table she threatened, "DON'T call me Katie!"
Initially the other girl seemed shocked before realisation washed over her, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to..."
Pidge inhaled deeply and sighed before storming off, leaving behind only the tense atmosphere her outburst had evoked.
Facing Hunk with a perplexed expression Keith questioned, "What was that all about?"
The larger teen let out a long sigh as he lowered his forehead into the crook of his hand.

"Well y'see ever since... The accident... Pidge could never bear being called Katie, that's her real name," Hunk explained
"The accident?"
"Yeah... She lost her father and her brother has yet to wake up. So... As you can imagine, the name triggers grief and frustration... Today especially"
"What's so special about today?"
"It's her brother's birthday," realisation dawned on Keith as Hunk further elaborated, "She's always on edge when her brother's birthday comes around, and, completely miserable on  her father's death anniversary"
"Thanks Hunk," Keith thanked his friend as he sprinted after the other who had stormed off in the direction of the library.


The light hazelnut haired girl sat at a table in the library near an opened window. Upon locating her Keith settled in the seat across from hers, taking a deep breath be started, "Pidge" gaining her attention, he continued, "I heard about your... Brother... Sorry"
Having had time to calm her thoughts and assess her behaviour the smaller teen properly responded, "I'm sorry for acting like a complete bi-... Brat, I shouldn't have taken out my frustration on you, or anyone really, you didn't know" sighing in defeat and stunned by the awkwardness she quickly changed the subject, "So... What was it you wanted to ask me again? From this morning"
Suddenly being reminded of Lance and Pidge's speculations Keith prompted, "I've been meaning to ask you about what you said when we parted ways at the fair, about Lance... Speaking of Lance I haven't seen him all day"
"Actually he's absent from school today," Pidge answered, finally focused enough to note this fact, realisation struck her and an idea formed, "Hey Keith"
"I'm visiting my brother at the hospital today, you should come with me"
"I mean, you're the only one who hasn't met him right?"
"I, guess so?"
"Alright then, see you after school," Pidge concluded, scurrying from the library as once again ringing echoed throughout the infrastructure.

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