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>feliciag_rockz98< thanks for letting me borrow your Hunger Games series:D 


He stood in the twilight holding the white rose that perfumed the air with a delicately sweet scent. The grave of his grandfather stood in the dark, looming large, casting a dark shadow upon him as the moon shone eerily in the night sky. It was a beautiful night with the sky so clear all the stars can be identified easily. 

He couldn't believe his grandfather's fate, dying under the very hands of a seventeen year-old enemy. He clenched his teeth. She must be having a beautiful life right now, probably already has a family of her own.

He stood in the moonlight, scrunching his hands together as he remembered the sight of his grandfather getting executed in the Capitol. How the citizens roared in approval as he stood there, unable to do anything at the age of six, watching the blood of his grandfather splattering across the stage, marking the end of his reign. How he could only stand and watch as they take the crumpled body away from him--- to who knows where. How his parents immediately picked him up and started running away while he just sat in his father's shoulders not knowing the reason for this turn of events in his life. How they had to go into hiding ever since while the newly set-up government under Paylor took control and hunted down for them. How the country became run like the way their ancestors did, blowing away all the work of his grandfather.

What a drastic change came into his life. It used to be all expensive foods and antiques in his house. Now he lived in a little shack made from weak twigs while trying to sustain himself and his family by eating bark and leaves.

He remembered how a year after his grandfather's assassination, his mother died of an illness. It could have been easily cured by the medicine that they would have had if their lives hadn't been changed so much. His father became a tough and grumpy person that was angry at everything after that and showed no sign of love and warmth left in him. His life was a hard rock ever since.

He tightened his grip in fury as sweat beaded on his forehead. Now twenty-three years later, life is still tough. What hatred he felt towards the enemy. Little white petals of the flower fell to the ground around him as he clenched his hands together in anger. The blood was running hard through his head, all screaming at him: Revenge! Kill Them!! Take back the empire my grandfather worked so hard for!

He turned around, away from the grave, his snake-like eyes glistening with evil in the moonlight. He smirked as he thought of the heads of the enemy being hung in the National Museum to show that opposers will not have a good life to go through. He crumpled up what's left of the white rose and tossed it behind him as he left the grave.

"Katniss Everdeen." he hissed.

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