My Date From Hell And My Savior From The Same Place

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  • Dedicated to Jacob Ward

•°•°• (Still) Monday, October 19, 2015

I sat there in my last period class, Mrs. Jepsen. She taught Geometry, and was such a bitch during class. 100 problems of homework every fucking night. She was my least favorite teacher and I was a teacher's pet. As soon as the annoncuments went off though, about 6 minutes before bus riders left, she let us do whatever. She didn't care, and she actually became kinda cool.

Sitting on top of my desk, I pulled my phone (Galaxy s4) out. One new message. I tapped the notification. It was from Anne Rhoades, one of my newer friends. She was sweet, cute, and fun. She was also in band, like most of my friends, she played flute. I smiled, then frowned a bit, reading her message.

"Hey Dare, I just heard you have a date with Henry?? I thought we agreed he was bad new after what he did 8th grade year???" I sighed. She was right. We became friends shortly after me and Henry split up, and I told her everything that had happened. She made me promise I wouldn't get close enough to him to get hurt.

"Yeah Anne, Rico told me to go on the date when Henry texted me on movie night asking me on a date. It's just this once. I promise!" Was my response to her. As soon as the message sent, the bell rang, releasing all the kids from school. I ran down the hall to my locker, throwing my books in and grabbing my bag. When I turned around, Anne was standing in front of me, arms crossed.

Anne was about 5'6", tan skin, and brown hair. She was Catholic like Rico, but she had a lot more siblings than he did. She had this look she would give you when she wasn't that pleased, and it would make you feel ashamed. That was the look on her face right then. I looked at my feet, my boots were quite interesting.

"Darrion Jean, I thought you were going to have nothing to do with him anymore," Anne said, clearly displeased.

"Rico told me to go on the date so I accepted... if he hadn't told me to, I would have said no," I muttered. Anne sighed loudly at me. She sounded like a horse almost, which ironically was her favorite animal. She wanted a friesian, this really pretty kind of horse, one day but they were expensive. What she didn't know was her boyfriend of 2 years, almost 3 years, Andrew, was buying her one for her 18th birthday. It was really sweet of him, even though that was two years away.

"Dare, I'm not going to argue with you, I'm just going to leave it at I won't be surprised if it was a date from the Devil himself," Anne finally said, hugging me lightly. I smiled at her. A date from Hell... I hope not. She walked away, probably to go find her boyfriend. I watched her leave, then headed down to the bandroom where Henry was meeting me.

Normally, we would have band practice today, but our band director (more like father) Mr. Mason, or as all the band kids call him, Daddy Mason, was sick and currently in the hospital. Since band practice was canceled, Henry asked to move our date up earlier in the day. I agreed, and we were going to meet in the bandroom in about 15 minutes.

As I walked into the bandroom, I saw Blair and Minny laughing with Rico, Harper, Derrick, Anne, Andrew, Thom, and a few other kids. They were all sitting in a huge circle together. I went up and stood behind Derrick, but not before slapping his shoulder and loudly announcing, "I have a date, can the girls come with me for a second? Oh, you boys can go and do something... manly," I ended with a smile before all the girls came with me to the bathroom.

"Okay, I'm freaking out, I shouldn't have said yes to this date!" I screamed as soon as I was sure we were alone. Anne snorted at my drama, but Blair and Minny hugged me. Harper just laughed. I moaned, hitting my head against the wall. This was a disaster; I was a tomboy at heart, not a girly-girl. I would be better off playing COD, not getting ready for a date.

"Girl, calm down! You will be fine!" Harper said confidentally. I looked at her. How can I be fine if I'm going on a date with my ex-boyfriend, when the guy I want to go on a date with is off-limits? She read my mind before I managed to open my mouth. "Dare, one date won't ruin your chances with Rico. I promise, pinky promise!"

All four girl held their pinkies up. I laughed before holding mine up. We pinky swore, then they made sure I looked okay before sending me on my date. A date from Hell, I remembered, reflecting on what Anne had said. Before I knew it, Henry was there and we were off.

He took me to Pizza Hut, and was very polite; at first. As the night went on, I couldn't believe how right Anne was, this was a date from Hell and we hadn't even gotten to the movies yet! He was being perverted, and was very rude when I said anything. Just as I was almost fed up and was fixing to ditch him, the worst thing happened.

We had just gotten done eating, and were walking to his car. He stopped walk in, and I stopped too, to see what was wrong. Suddenly, he grabbed me and pulled me close to him.

"Dare, Darrion, I'm so sorry for what I did 8th grade year. I really am and I really want you to be mine again. If this proves anything..." Henry trailed off. Before I had time to wonder what he meant, he pushed me against the wall of Pizza Hut and cupped my face, leaning in to kiss me.

Wham! Before our lips connected, he was thrown off of me. I didn't want to kiss him, so I was glad, but I was also worried. What just happened?

I glanced over to where Henry was thrown. Standing over him, angry, was the least likeliest person I expected to see. Freddy. I stared at the football player as he growled at Henry, "You shouldn't kiss a lady if she doesn't want it. Now scram punk, or I'll beat the shit out of you."

Henry did indeed run. Freddy watched him pull out of the parking lot in his car before turning to me.

"You okay Flames?" Freddy asked. I just stared at him. Freddy, the jackass player, just saved me and hasn't said a mean or perverted comment to me yet. Looking at my face, he laughed. When I gave him a quizzical look, he explained.

Turns out the text I deleted from him was him telling me he got a girlfriend and he actually thinks he loves her, so he isn't going to hit on me or any other girl. He was changing his ways for this girl. Oh was the only thing I could say to that. Freddy apologized for how he had acted to me before, and asked to be my friend.

"We'll see," was my response. He nodded his head and left me alone. He knew it was the best chance he had at being friends with me, and he also knew I wanted to be alone. I called Rico the second Freddy was out of ear-shot.

"Hey, what's wrong Dare?" Was the first words out of his mouth.

"I'll explain tomorrow. Can you come pick me up at Pizza Hut? And take me home, please," I said. He immediatly agreed to, a hint of worry in his tone.

Ten minutes later, Rico picked me up and took me home. I went straight to bed, trying to forget my date from Hell and my savior from the same place.

"Tomorrow will be so much fun!" I thought sarcastically. Rolling over, I fell into a troubled sleep.

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