It Just Wasn't My Day, Was It?

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•°•°• Wednesday, October 21, 2015

"Darrion!" A voice said. It was funny, it sounded like it was coming from underwater. It was hard to understand exactly what they were saying. I listened closer.

"Dare! Come on Dare, wake up!" Now the voice sounded clearer, closer, and upset at this... Dare person. Wait, that was me! They were calling me!

"Dare! Darrion Jean Stone, wake up!" My eyes flashed open as I realized who was calling me. It was Rico. Sure enough, he was squating next to me, holding my shoulder with one hand, my phone in his other. He smiled, clearly happy I woke up... wait, why was I on the ground? Then it hit me. The phone call from my dad. Oh shit. Oh ever-loving shit.

"My dad. He's in the hospital. In Chicago. I have to get to him. Now. I have to go. He's in the hospital. Oh damn it, he's in the hospital in fucking Chicago!" I babbled, my heart pounding. Rico helped me up and sat me on one of the kitchen chairs. I watched him as he dialed a number on my phone. Whoever it was picked up. He talked in a low tone so I could barely hear what he was saying. He finally got off the phone then asked me if I wanted something to drink.

Before I could answer, Victoria walked in with a glass of water. She handed it to me, then hugged me tightly. By this time, Rico was back on the phone with... what sounded like the high school's office. He nodded a couple of times then hung up.

"Hey Dare, I just talked to the office, they want you to go see the school nurse. Is that okay?" He asked in a gentle tone. I shook my head yes, that sounded fine. My Little Drummer Boy smiled softly, then picked up my bag and handed it to Victoria before grabbing his car keys and taking my arm. I forgot he could drive now, wow, I'm a loser, forgetting my best friend can drive. Today wasn't my day, was it?

Soon, we were at the high school, minus Victoria, who we dropped off at her elementary school. Rico escorted me into the building, meeting Blair inside. She looked grim, taking my bag from Rico. She followed us to the nurse's office.

"Hello Ms. Stone. Hello Mr. Hernandez, Ms. Vincent," Ms. Easterling greeted us. She was the school nurse, and she was a sweetheart. Always gentle, always caring. She was about 30, with intense black hair. She was a tall lady, around 5'9", but she was so quiet and reserved, you would think she was 15 and 5'6". Point to be made, she seemed smaller and younger than she actually was.

"Hello Ms. Easterling. I'm sure Mr. Hicks informed you about what happened to Darrion this morning?" Rico asked squeezing my hand gently. I blinked in surprise, seeing our hands clasped together. I didn't remember grabbing Rico's hand, or him grabbing mine. Maybe I was just out of it today. I mean, I barely remember... anything from this morning.

"Yes he did. Darrion, would you sit down in this chair over here? Ms. Vincent, Mr. Hernandez, you can go to class now," Ms. Easterling spoke in an authoritive voice. I sat down with the help of Rico, and Blair set my bag next to my feet. She hugged me, told Rico to keep her updated, then left to go to class. Rico stayed. Ms. Easterling raised her eyebrow at him, but Rico said nothing, just squeezed my hand again.

"Ehmm. So what exactly happened this morning Darrion?" Ms. Easterling asked. It took me a few moments to realize she was talking to me. I thought about it for a second; what had happened this morning?

"Umm... I was spending the night at Rico's house because my dad is on a business trip in Chicago. Victoria, Rico's little sister, woke me up and said I needed to get ready. I was ready before Rico and Victoria, so I was waiting by the door. My phone started ringing, it was my dad. It was weird, he never calls on business trips. So I answered it, and he said he was in the hospital..." I trailed off and looked at Rico. "I fainted, didn't I? I'm sorry Rico!" Today just wasn't my day, was it?

"Hey, it's fine. I'm more worried that you hurt yourself. You hit the doorframe pretty hard when you fainted. Ms. Easterling, is she okay?" Rico said rubbing my back softly. I shivered, it felt weird, him doing that. Sure, he's done it before, but this was weird, it felt... different. Ms. Easterling checked me out quickly before decided her diagnosis.

"I think hitting the doorframe just made her dizzy. She should be find after a few hours of rest. I'll excuse you both from classes today. Rico, take her home and let her sleep. She can visit her father tomorrow," she stated, writing something down before taking us to the office. She handed the piece of paper she wrote on to the secretary, Mr. Hicks. Mr. Hicks glanced at the paper and nodded before checking us out of school and sending us home.

By the time we got back to Rico's house, it was almost noon. Rico cooked us some macaroni and cheese and warmed up some left over qusadillas from dinner. We ate our mixed-matched lunch while watching The Hunger Games. After the movie ended, Rico sent me to his room and told me to take a nap.

I had been in Rico's room a thousand times, but I never got tired of it. It was blue and green, filled with games, drawings (most of them mine or Blair's), and school stuff. Rico was good about keeping his clothes off the floor, or at least not all over the floor. It was messy, yes, but in a good way. I smiled as I glanced around the room at the half-finished drawings and the game protectors.

Suddenly, I saw something I didn't recognize. It was a drawing, sitting on top of Rico's dresser. I picked it up. After picking it up, I realized it wasn't a drawing. It was a note, between someone who's handwriting I didn't recognize and Rico. I felt a little guilty holding it, but Rico was my best friend, he wouldn't hide anything from me. I started reading.

"I know you like her." What? This was the mystery person, claiming Rico liked someone. That couldn't be true, Rico would have told me if he liked any girl. Or anyone in general.

"So what if I do?" That was Rico. He likes someone! Rico likes someone! And... he didn't tell me. I brushed off my sudden sadness and kept reading.

"Rico, ask her out! Dude, she likes you!" Mystery person again, giving the advice I should be. I growled, upset with this person. Who the hell was this mystery person and who was this chick they were talking about?

"No way she likes me Harp, hate to burst your bubble. She thinks of me as a brother." Rico again, finally revealing the identity of the mystery person. It was Harper. I read the line again. I understand what he feels like. I like him, but he thinks of me as a sister. Poor Rico.

"Rico Andres, I know for a fact she likes you! Grow some balls and ask her out!" I snorted, it sounded like Harper alright. I wish I knew who the hell this chick was. I'm so jealo- no. No way I'm jealous of a girl just because Rico likes her. It's not my style. I shook my head and kept reading.

"Harper Rose, just drop it. She will never like me the way I like her. I practically love her. She treats me as a brother. I'm not even in the Friendzone, I'm in the Brotherzone! I have no chance with her." Oh my gosh... poor Rico. He's deep for this girl and she doesn't even know what she has wrapped around her finger. Bitch.

"Rico, give it a chance. Ask her to Homecoming. Tell her that night your feelings for her. Promise me you will?" That's actually a really good plan Harper... I would give anything to be that girl. I sighed loudly. I can't deny it, I'm jealous of this girl. I read the last line, Rico's response.

"Fine, but she's going to hate me for the rest of my life." No she won't Rico. Not if she deserves you. I sighed again. I needed that nap now. I put that damned note back on the dresser and went and curled up in Rico's bed. I breathed in deeply, taking in the scent the sheets had. A unique smell. One that smelled like Rico.

I smiled gently before drifting off to sleep. It would all be better when I woke up. I could forget all about the damned note then. And every other event of the day. It just wasn't my day, was it?

My Crush; Or, As I Call Him, My Best FriendWhere stories live. Discover now