Waiting For Anything

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•°•°• Monday, October 19, 2015

Sunday went by pretty fast, me texting Blair and Minny before church and texting Rico in between my service and his Mass. He offered to take me with him to Mass one day, but I know hardly anything about Catholics. So I naturally declinded the offer, even though I would love to spend the day with him.

All too soon, Monday reared it's ugly head in my face. Sure, I was kinda excited about the date with Henry, but I was not ready to tell Thomas about it. Thomas Menser was my brotherly person in my life, since I only had one blood sibling still living (London, but she left with Mom), and I never talked to her anyway. I hadn't told him about my date yet because he had his phone taken away for 3 months. He did something stupid with a girl, so his mom took his phone.

Thomas had been there for me through everything; breaking my arm when I was 5, losing Billy, my baby brother, to cancer when I was only 7, the divorce when I was 10, my first period (which just had to happen at his house!) when I was 11, my first boyfriend and break-up when I was 13, everything. My dad treated Thomas like he was his son, and vise versa for me with Thomas's mother, Beth. He was about 5'7", had dark brown hair that curled at the ends, huge nerdy looking glasses, and the cutest smile. He was a bit of a perv, but he still is the closest person to me. He was also very, very, VERY protective of me.

"Hey, Dare Devil! What's up sis?" Thomas shouted when he saw me. He's the only person who calls me Dare Devil, just like I call him Thom. He hugged me tightly, then ruffled my hair. Seriously, I'm not a girly girl type chick, but I hate people messing with my hair. I punched him in the arm causing him to mock a look of pain before answering him.

"Nothing really Thom, I spent Saturday with Rico for movie day, and I have a date tonight with Henry, then I have a damn English paper due tomorrow, then we have practice that night," I rambled on, hoping he didn't notice my news about the date.


Well shit. I winced, he caught me. He was friends with Henry, but he hated what Henry had done to me.

"A date. With... Henry," I said slowly, backing away as I did, waiting for Thom's reaction. As I watched Thom inflate with rage, I booked it down the hallway, trying to escape my brother's anger. I slide down Science Hall, and ran up a staircase, then down Freshmeat- I mean Freshman Hall, then down another staircase, and popped up in Junior Hall. I turned a corner to go down Senior Hall and ran smack dab into someone, knocking me down.

"Oww! Watch where you're going- oh, hey Dare," said a voice I automatically recognized. It was Harper Rose Goldsmith, a Junior in band, and one of my favorite people. She was a blondie, about 5'3", and a sweet girl. She was to Rico what Thom was to me. She also was dating the drumline captain, Treg Rhoades. She was a boss at playing clarinet, and was one of my closer friends. She grabbed my arm and helped me up, then gave me a huge hug.

"Hey Harper, sorry for running into you, I was running from Thom. I told him about my date with Henry tonight- no, don't freak out, it just this once- and he got kind of mad..." I slowly trailed off, embarrassed. Harper nodded her head and gave me a slightly quizzical look.

"What about Rico? I know you like him," she asked, twirling a piece of her blonde hair around her finger. Damn, she had to bring it up.

"He told me to go on the date. He acted really strange, I don't know what's up with him. Can you find out for me? Please Harper?" I pratically begged her. She grin and told me of course she would for her favorite saxophone. I thanked her and said I would be waiting for an answer before running to my first class, Computer Apps.

I was almost late and sat down in my seat next to my friend/ex-boyfriend/brotherly-caring-person, Derrick Lancing. He laughed at me, hitting my arm lightly, which I shoved him back in response. We had weird relationship. We flirted, we argued, we teased, we ignored each other, you get the idea. We met because of marching band, he was a tuba player.

Derrick Lancing was a unique character, his light brown hair was crazy, almost untamable, earning him the nickname, 'Mop Top', though he didn't know it. He was kinda tall, around 5'8", and in my opinion, hot as hell. He had a bit of a temper, but other than that he was a good guy.

"Why were you almost late this time, Dare?" Derrick asked me, looking at me curiously.

"Thom," was my response, and he understood. Thom was normally one of the reasons I was late. Between him, Henry, and our other friend Mark Henderson, I normally was cutting it close. We sat in silence for the rest of class.

Today was going to be a long day of waiting, I just knew it. Waiting for my date with Henry, waiting for Harper's answer about Rico's attitude, waiting for class to end, waiting for Thom to find me and rip into me for agreeing to a date with Henry, waiting for my dad to get home from a trip he left on this morning to St. Louis, waiting for anything exciting to happen.

Most of all, waiting to see if waiting for Rico was worth it.

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