Seperation from Cheesy: 4

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After what happened yesterday, our owner seperated all of us from Cheesy. Which is a good thing Cheesy was so mean. "Nice going Dwarf, you got us seperated from Cheesy.", said Chip. I wasn't the one who attacked he did. The cages were right by each other and we would still talk to him when we would go in our hamsterballs. Now all I got to worry about is Chip. He isn't as mean as Cheesy but he is still mean.

This cage is way better than the other one. It is much bigger and it has tubes. I also don't have to wait to get food because I think Chip will be nicer without Cheesy. I'm going to miss the old cage though. The new cage has 3 floors."Hey ,Tammy, want to share a room with me?", I said. Chip you can have the 3rd floor to yourself if you want. Because the first floor has our food and water which we all have to share. Sound like a deal? We all agreed on it. Then we headed off to go to sleep.

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