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      I walked around the house searching for a room to sleep in. The puke-brown carpet felt soft under my feet. The halls leading to the bedrooms where covered in black and white photographs of my grandpa and grandma when they where younger. I picked one off the wall. It showed the two of them dancing in extravagant clothing. "So they did have proms back then.." i said to myself. I put the frame back on its rusted nail. I waltzed to the fridge to see the note grandpa left me. It was a yellow Post-It note labeled "SAMUEL" in big blue letters. it went on like this:

"only a few lil things to to around here. first, feed the horses. you just go to their stables and refill their baskets. only if needed. but more importantly don't go in the basement. Not even if it sounds like me or grandma or anyone. Even if they plead and scream and yell. DON'T!"

I looked at the note confusedly. "tch, you wont fool me now!" I yelled as if he was in the basement. I threw the note away and opened the fridge. "Jesus, do any of you eat?" i said staring into the fridge. Milk, beer, Crown Royal, red wine, eggs, half eaten McDonalds burger, moldy strawberries. "i wanted to go to the store anyway.." i sighed.

I pulled into Red-E convenience store. It was about twenty minuets away from the house. As i was driving around the parking lot trying to find a spot to park, i saw a black pickup parked halfway in a handicap spot and a normal parking spot. "idiot." i said. Pissed off at peoples stupidity. I got out of the car and saw a worker putting carts away spot the black pickup. He kicked the tire. "Some people are just useless." he grumbled kicking the tire again. "We care because you care" was embroidered in yellow on his dark green polo. They didn't care. He spotted me. "aren't they?" he said looking at me. "yea.. some people are.." i said back. He shook his head and went back to pushing the train of shopping carts to the store.
As i perused the shelves for my list, i spotted a small kid. He looked about five, maybe seven. He was alone crying, "momma! mamma! where are you!".many people carted past him. ignoring him. some people are useless. I walked over to him. In between tears he said "can you help me find my moma?" he pronounced it "moh-muh". "ye-yea sure." i said. "what'd she look like?" i asked. "uh- she has dark hair and uh she has a purple purse. OH she also has this really sweet earring!" he said. he was ecstatic to find his mom. "Follow me, ok?" i said offering my hand. He grabbed it. "yessir". he put it all in one word. I led him to the "Human Resources" counter. i looked at the worker and at the kid. "this little boy has lost his mother." I looked down at the boy. "isn't that right?" i asked. "yes" he said. "thank you sir." the worked said. she bent down to talk to him. She started asking him quesions.
i went back to get my cart and check out.
As i walked out i stared at the pickup with the bad parking job. I took my cart and scraped it across the back. It left a long thick grey streak. 'We care because you care'. I loaded my grandmas car up with the groceries and got in to start the car. The dash started to flash and beep. Low fuel. I pulled up to the Red-E mart gas station. it had one of those mini cube things you can buy chips and cigarettes. I pulled into pump C and swiped my card for 7 gallons. The card reader beeped at me. INSUFFICIENT FUNDS. I tried again. INSUFFICIENT FUNDS. "What the hell?" i tried again. INSUFFICIENT FUNDS. The girl working in the booth thing saw my kerfuffle with the gas pump. She hopped over. "This one sticks." she said. she had a key in her hand. "card please." i handed it to her. she swiped the card and put the key into a hole and turned. The sound of flowing gas filled our ears. "here's your card." she handed it to me and blushed. Love at first sight. "My names Nova." she said. She looked up and down my figure. "Not from here?" she asked. "Yep, i came here from Wyoming," i said. "wooow, Mr.Wyoming Boy." she said giggling. She was my height. A little bit skinnier than my fat ass and beautiful blue eyes. "whatcha doing in the boring ass town?" Nova asked. "Im housesitting for my grandparents. They are on a cruse." i said. Telling too much. Nova laughed. "I dont even know your name!" she burst into laughter. Whats so funny? I don't know. "heh, i'm Samuel." i responded. The gass pump clicked. "hold on a sec!" Nova ran back to the cubeish snack stand. She came back with a scrap of paper and handed it to me. A phone number. "If you don't got plans we could hang out?" she asked. She looked like she'd faint if i said no. "sure." let me go and put my groceries away and ill call you. "my shift ends at four." I looked at my watch. 2:45. "okay, i'll call at four then." i said. "EEEEEE" Nova shrieked. She ran up and hugged me.
'we care because you care'                            END OF CHAPTER 2

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2017 ⏰

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