chapter 9: Confrontation

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Yulia slammed her unbandaged hand into the wall of the girl's bathroom. She didn't care if she got hurt or not. After all no one would care except maybe her parents. After all, this was only some kind of demented game for the person she thought of as a friend.


With each word she would punch the wall, ignoring that her hand was becoming more bloody with each blow.

Why did I believe her? Why did I believe she really cared? No one cares about a monster!

Right before she slammed her hand into the wall again, a much harder blow that would have without a doubt had broken something a hand grabbed her arm from behind.

"Yulia! Stop!"

Yulia whirled around to see Lena standing there, though this only made her ten times angrier.

"You lying bitch! You said that you cared, that you wanted to make things right! You said you would help me! But what do you do? You sat there watching them! You ignored me and I may as wells have been a cockroach this morning with how you acted when I walked over to you!"

Yulia yelled, hot tears spilling down her cheeks but she ignored them as she continued, cutting Lena off.

"I don't want to hear any more of your damned lies! Why don't you just go back to your little band of sluts? Maybe Erik will let you blow him."

With that the brunette wrenched her arm away from Lena, shoving her backward before she added

"And you know what? I wish I had died. Maybe if I did then I could have been reincarnated or something into something everyone would like!"

Lena stood there, near tears and unsure as to what to say or do. Should she go after Yulia or return to class.

Deciding to follow Yulia she dashed off, easily catching up to the Brunette who was heading up the stairs that lead to the roof.

"Yulia, Please wait...Please let me exsplain...."

Lena began, only to suddenly feel a burning pain on one side of her face.

"I don't want to hear it. Multiply that a thousand times and that is how I feel every single day!"

And with that Yulia was gone, leaving Lena standing there in middle of the stairwell, crying.

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