Chapter 55: 40° Celsius

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Yulia woke up in a sweat, her whole body trembling as if from the cold and she knew that she wasn't just hot from laying under the thick blankets or next to the redhead. Her head was pounding and she was sure that her throat was going to glue together if how it felt was any indication.

Sitting up she contemplated waking Lena but decided against it.

Slowly getting to her feet she stumbled to the bathroom, where she splashed water on her face in hope to cool down a bit. Looking into the mirror she winced since her reflection looked nearly as bad as she felt.


Lena's voice nearly made her jump out of her skin.

"In here."

Yulia winced as she heard the sound of her own voice.

Jeez, I sound like a frog.

She thought as Lena came in, looking like she was still half asleep.

"Yulia, you look terrible. Are you okay?"

Lena asked, earning a glare that clearly said 'do I look okay?'

"get back to bed, I'll find the thermometer."

Lena stated as she helped Yulia back to the bed, despite the brunette's protests.

When Lena returned she was carrying not only carrying a thermometer but a container of Paracetamol tablets and a small jug of water.

"here, I'm sure you don't need me to walk you through what to do. You're no baby."

Lena stated, grinning a bit as Yulia rolled her eyes.

"Haha, asshole. Yes I know what to do, I'm not stupid."

Yulia retorted as she took the objects, trying to smile a bit though she still felt like shit.

"Oh Fucking Shit. No wonder I feel like death, my temperature is forty degrees celsius! Lena, can you go call my parents? I probably should get to the doctor."

Yulia managed to say, her throat hurting with every word.

Great, I get fucking sick and I have a fight with my girlfriend in the same week. Can this get any worse?

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