chapter 32: Promises

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Yulia hated how broken Lena looked, even in sleep. Her face was still red from crying and tears still wet her cheeks. Yulia had never felt like this before, not even when she herself was covered in bruises. She was beyond angry. She was angry at herself for causing this, angry at Natalya for hurting Lena like this and even angry at whatever deity that existed for letting it happen.

Slowly getting out of bed, careful not to wake the redhead she headed to the window and pulled back the curtains, watching as lightening struck out across the sky. It matched her mood perfectly though she couldn't act on her emotions, not with Lena sleeping in the same room.

She was so lost in her thoughts that she didn't notice Lena was even awake until she felt arms wrap around her.

"You should get some sleep. We have school today."

Lena stated, resting her head on Yulia's shoulder.

"Don't remind me."

Yulia grumbled before turning to Lena, noting the dark rings under the redhead's bloodshot eyes.

"Come on, you look like you're gonna fall over. Let's go to bed."

she added, leading Lena toward the bed.

They lay there for a while, a thick silence over them when Lena suddenly spoke.

"Would it bother you if I got closer?"

She asked, nearly in a whisper.

Yulia was glad the room was dark, or else Lena would realize that she was blushing crimson.

"No, Go ahead."

The brunette responded just as a crack of thunder sounded, shaking the windows a bit and Yulia could feel Lena stiffen.

"You don't like storms huh?"

Yulia commented Nonchalantly, turning to face Lena all while pulling her closer.

"Don't worry, I'll protect you."

Morning came too soon for the two girls, though they both were thankful that their parents was planning to go to the school at lunch, which meant that they would only have to suffer through a half day. Though to Yulia even that was too much.

"Let's skip. I'm sure neither of our parents will mind that much."

She suggested, earning a sigh.

"Yulia, I don't want to risk it. Especially since last night."

Lena replied, earning a nod.

"Fine, we'll go but I swear if you so much as shed one tear today some jackass will pay. I hope that our parents decide to take us out of the place and tutor use privately."

Yulia responded, refusing to argue with Lena though she honestly wanted to.

I won't let anyone hurt her.

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