Chapter 59: Angel

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She felt like she was floating in a void and she knew that she just had to be dead though she could faintly make out an odd sound of beeping and the sound of someone whispering near her. She slowly became aware of something touching her hand, it's grip not quite painful though she knew that if she saw  her knuckles they would be white from the pressure.

When she opened her eyes she saw nothing but white at first, then she became painfully aware of someone sitting at her side.

"Yulia? You're awake! Can you hear me?"

A voice asked, hoarse but panicked and for a minute Yulia could swear that it was an angel she was looking at.

Yulia wanted to say something to keep Lena from worrying but when she tried to speak she became aware of how dry her throat was so she settled for a nod.

Yulia sighed as she watched as Lena left the room, presumably to get their parents, and it was only then that she could feel the pain that consumed her body.

She knew that she would have to confess to who had hurt her, for both her own and Lena's safty but she knew that Lena would be hurt by the news

No, she would have to be gentle with the news because she did not want to upset the girl the girl who had became her whole world. She had been the cause of the redhead's tears more times than she would ever want to admit and she would rather see herself harmed than to see Lena upset.

Her thoughts were intrupted however by the fact that both their parents rushed into the room, Yulia's mom nearly in hysterics while her father looked nearly ready to collapse from fatigue.

Lena stood back, listening to them talk though she winced every time that she heard Yulia speak, her voice hoarse and scratchy. Just hearing the hurt in Yulia's voice made her want to cry even more, though her body seemed out of tears.

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