chapter 38:

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Yulia laughed as she watched as Lena's face grew as red as her hair.

"You're doing the perfect impersonation of a tomato."

Yulia teased as she got pulled along by Lena, who had began to walk faster just to get away from the source of her embarrassment.

"How are you not embarrassed?"

Lena hissed, turning toward Yulia who was still laughing at her side.

"Because I'm use to the comments and because I just don't care anymore. I know I love you and that's all that matters to me."

the brunette retorted, kissing the taller girl on the cheek, watching as her face grew even more red.

"Damn Lenka, Are you sure you don't have a fever?"

Yulia teased, earning a light shove toward a huge puddle toward the curve.

"Shut up miss Robot! Some of us have emotions!"

Lena retorted, though she couldn't help but laugh at the face Yulia made in response.

"You're a pain."

Lena grumbled, earning a snicker

"Yeah, you're pain. Come on, let's get going. Your Mom will probably want this stuff sometime today."

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