A Night Out

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You and Shawn were getting ready to go out with a couple of his friends since you guys had nothing else to do. As you were brushing your teeth, Shawn comes up behind grabbing your ass.

"Shawn stop!" You laugh looking at him. "You almost made me choke."

"I know something else you can choke on darling." He smirks looking at you through mirror, biting his lip.

"Not right now. Bye." You push him out the bathroom and lock the door.

As much you wanted throw him on that bed, you really wanted to go out because it's been a while. Shawn could hold up til tonight. You finished with your hair and light make up which was only mascara and lipgloss.

Shawn was already dressed, laid out on the bed with his phone in hand. He did look good like always and smelled amazing. He wore a black short sleeved shirt showing his strong arms and chest and black jeans. His hair was in this curly cute mess.

"Are you gonna keep looking at me like you wanna tear everything off my body or what?" He says looking at you from his phone.

"I'm gonna get ready."

You were dressed and ready to go. You looked at yourself in the mirror pleased with your outfit.

 You looked at yourself in the mirror pleased with your outfit

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"Lets go boo." You slide on your sunglasses as you leave the house along with Shawn.

Shawn drives to wherever you guys are meeting his friends and you didn't feel like driving also. Shawn would squeeze your thigh or rub it.

"Mendes, keep your hands off me." You laugh smacking his hands away, he leans forward into the wheel smiling.

"I can't help it y/n. You look real good."

A couple minutes later, you guys were in front of some festival and it was pretty packed but look like fun. You and Shawn walked up hand in hand searching for his friends.

"Aye Shawn!"

"What's up guys?" He smiles and gives them a brotherly hug. "Oh this is my girlfriend y/n. This is Geoff and Teddy y/n."

"Hi, nice to meet you."

"No, it's a pleasure to meet you beautiful." One of them kissed the back of your hand as you laughed.

"Alright thats enough Geoff."

"We brought a few other friends but they're using the bathroom." Teddy says.

While Shawn and his friends were talking, two girls walked up. Once everyone was there you guys started walking around.

"Shawn, let's get on the ferris wheel and be clichè." You tease grabbing his arm.

Shawn laughs. "Let me use the bathroom alright?" He gives you a quick kiss and jog off.

The girls were standing across from you whispering and laughing while looking at you. Geoff and Teddy went to get them something to drink.

"Is there a problem?" You ask calmly with a smile on your face.

The brunette shakes her head. "Oh no there's no problem. Well maybe one."

"Care to explain?" You feel yourself getting angry.

The big eyed blonde girl steps up to you. "What is Shawn even doing with a girl like you?"

"So it's about my race huh? Well bitch let me tell you something. Us females are waaay better than y'all bologna lip ass. Watch yourself honey."

"Whatever. You should be out picking cotton." They laughed loudly.

You wrapped your hair into a bun and started swinging at both of them. The brunette stumbled back and fell while blondy fought for her life. You both fell onto the ground but you was on top of her, beating her face in.

"Get off of her!" The brunette yanked your hair back causing you to scream.

You quickly grabbed her arms twisted them so she would let go. Then you feel someone pulling you away.

"Babe! Chill!" Shawn held you tight while you tried to get loose.

"Okay okay." You said breathing heavily.

By now there was a crowd and Shawns friends was holding the girls back.

"You okay?" Shawn rubbed her cheek and looked at your face for marks. "What happened?"

"I'm fine but them bitches need to learn how to mind their business. Let's go now."

Shawn nodded and held your waist as you guys started walking by the girls. In one swift move, you punched them both.

"Nice meeting you. Bye!" You blew them a kiss and walked away.

"What a fucking night." Shawn mumbled.

In all honesty, I feel like some of shawns fans are like that and its pretty sad. I mean sad after they get their ass beat.

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