Angry for what?

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Announcement everyone! So recently someone had commented something that caught my eye and I realized that I should let everyone know that I made this imagine for all ethnicity but I forgot to edit. I apologize if you felt like you were being secluded because that's not my intentions. This book was created for all races but more towards black, latinos, and etc. No offense but we see enough imagines for white girls, don't be offended.

I want other girls to know that we're all in the same boat. I would also like to dedicate this time into saying thank youuuu for reading my book also voting and following. I appreciate the comments you guys leave. I continue these imagines because I see how big my audience is getting and I don't wanna let you down so thank you very much. ❣️

Shawn thought it would be nice to take you to his family dinner. They were grilling and some of his family from out of town was here.

"Shawn, where is my phone?" You asked searching the bathroom.

"I know because...?" Shawn replied smartly.

Lately he's been in a bad mood and you didn't know why. Sometimes it was because he was stuck on a verse for his song but he soon gets over it. You decided to leave him alone as you got ready.

You found your phone on the counter and grabbed it. Shawn was right behind you with the keys and you followed behind getting the car. The car was quiet except for the music that lowly played.

Aaliyah 🤪
where r u?

we're almost there

Minutes later, you arrived to the packed house. You got out without Shawn and ran towards Aaliyah.

"y/n I missed you so much!" She hugged you tightly as you spun her around.

"I know I haven't seen you in a minute." You put her down and she looked at Shawn.

"Hey Shawn."

"Liyah where's mom and dad?" He looked up from his phone and looked at Aaliyah.

"In the kitchen?" She watched as he walked away. "What's wrong with him?"

"Girl who knows? He's been moody all week."

"Well so what. I want you to meet some people." Aaliyah said dragging you in the backyard.

The night consisted of you meeting the rest of the family. You were having fun until Shawn sat down beside you.

"Look Mendes I'm not in the mood for your negative ass okay? You've been rude to me for a week and I don't know what your fucking problem is." You rolled your eyes as you took a sip from your water bottle.

"You wanna know what my fucking problem is y/n? When were you gonna tell me you were staying in y/h/t for three weeks?" (A/N: y/h/t is your hometown)

You cussed under your breath as you sighed. You were gonna tell him but you knew he would worry about you while he was working. Shawn hated leaving you alone so you were scared to tell him.

"Shawn you know how you get when I tell you things. You either make me stay or try to tag along. I'm a woman babe, I can take care of myself. I was doing it before I met you."

"It scares me knowing I'm nowhere near you when you need me. It would be fault if I let anything happen to you." Shawn ran his hand through his hair.

You rubbed his cheek and poked out your lip. "Nothing will be your fault. I will be alright. My mom and siblings are down there. Now stop being on your period jerk."

He laughed as you attempted to hit him in the chest. Aaliyah walked up to you guys with a smirk.

"Thank you for cooperating Shawn."

"You did this? Your brother is such a drama queen." You laughed with Aaliyah. "Thank you."

"No problem. Shawn don't hurt y/n again or I will hurt you." She walked off.

"Wow it's crazy because she's serious."

"I know." You both laughed.

Shawn Mendes Interracial ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now