Chapter 23

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Tremor. Ten days later, Kyle and Joice arrived in Dubai together. He got a three-day extension and Joice left home about four days earlier than she originally planned. She was thrilled when she received Kyle's text telling her what time to be at the airport, and told Dante she wanted to spend a few days in Dubai to decompress before she went back to work. When he seemed suspicious, Joice told him Prue, Autumn, and her sisters wore her out shopping and running the streets, and she needed to rest. That was mostly true.

Kyle and his lover were on their way to the hotel and his heart was racing, but not because of her. He looked out the window of the taxi as the driver, most likely a Pakistani, sped along the narrow lanes, cutting off and being cut off by other Pakistani cab drivers. Taxis were big business in Dubai and very easy to obtain. Their driving scared the crap out of Kyle but he had to give them credit, they handled the road and showed no fear. He looked at Joice and asked why she kept her head down.

"Because if I watch, I'll scream," she said, "I actually did that one time and the cab driver got very upset, so since then, I just keep my head down and pray for safe travels."

I'm glad somebody's praying, he thought, as the cabbie changed lanes and was nearly side swiped by a bus. This is too much, he thought, and turned his attention to the buildings with pictures of the emirs painted on them. No matter how many times he saw them, he was always fascinated. Probably because being a Texas native, it was not the norm to see such fabulous art work on a regular building.

When they got to the hotel, Joice was impressed and complimented Kyle on choosing such a nice place. He asked her what she wanted to do first and she smiled at him. They showered together and got into bed. Joice was hungry and Kyle was her feast; Licking and biting him everywhere, her first course. She was so wanton, he could barely keep up. He told her to turn over and she looked at him wild eyed and said, "You first." She slid beneath Kyle on her back took all of him until he could no longer stand it. He was doing his best to pace himself, but she was making it very difficult. Joice pushed him down on the bed, straddled him backwards, and rode until her heart was content. Kyle tumbled over the edge and shattered when he hit bottom. When she finally caught her breath, Joice turned around, kissed him, and whispered, "More."

They slept until noon the next day and Kyle ordered room service. Joice went back to bed after they ate. He watched her sleep and wondered how he could ever part with her. Every day he spent with her, he sunk deeper and deeper and it was getting more and more difficult to see his way out. I'm gonna have to do something... He sent Candy an email and watched a movie. When Joice finally woke up late that afternoon, Kyle asked if she wanted to go out.

"I will if you want to, but I would be just as happy staying in. I can barely stand the heat here." Kyle completely understood and was relieved. He likened the heat in Dubai to being wrapped from head to toe in a heated blanket and sitting in a sauna. She showered and ordered coffee and pastries from room service. They ate and drank coffee in bed, while he paid bills on his laptop. As they munched on the pastries, Joice talked about her R&R. She told him she had two daughters named Prudence and Autumn, from her one and only marriage.

"Prudence is 21 and Autumn, my baby, is 18. Prue is a junior in college and Autumn is a freshman." Kyle nodded and asked if they looked like her. "I think they look like their dad. Especially Prue, she is her father's twin. Autumn favors me a little, I guess." Joice looked at Kyle and smiled. "You know, I kind of thought I would get to see you while we were home, but I guess you were very busy," she said, looking at him over her glasses. Kyle pretended to be engrossed in reading his emails, and tried to sound absent minded when he replied, "Yeah, I was pretty busy." Joice let it go, but he knew she would bring it up again and he would have to provide a better explanation. "May I make a quick purchase on your laptop, please?" she asked Kyle, "Prue texted me and said they will only hold my bag for 24 hours and I have not even unpacked my computer yet. I would have let her order it, but I need to have another look at it to make sure I really want it in brown."

"Of course," he said, minimizing the screen he was using and opening another tab for her.

"Thank you," she said, as he handed it to her. Joice was paying for her bag, when Kyle's computer began to make a funny sound. She instinctively moved her hand back as though she touched something hot. "Don't move, Joice," Kyle said, pushing the top half of the computer down.

She still had her hands in the air, when he reached over and took the computer from her lap. Kyle got out of the bed and went to the desk. Candy was calling him on Skype. He prayed she had not seen Joice. She called right back and he knew he better answer, or else she would get suspicious. He felt around in his backpack for his earphones but could not find them. Hopefully, he could make this quick.

"Hey," he said, as a greeting.

"Hey baby, what are you doing?" his wife replied. Thank you, lord, she didn't see her.

"I was sleeping, sorry," Kyle said, and rubbed his eyes. He immediately noticed Candy was lying in their bed naked and knew he must act quickly.

"I miss you," she purred, "you know how I am when you first leave."

Kyle tried to turn the volume down, but almost knocked the computer off the desk in his haste. He was still digging around in his backpack with his free hand for his earphones, but they were suddenly non-existent. Any other time they were in the small, zippered compartment on the front of the bag, but not today. "I'm really horny and wondered if you wanted to fool around?" Candy said, and started laughing. This cannot be happening, he thought. Kyle put his hand on his forehead. "Uh baby, I'm really not feeling well, you know that 16-hour flight wipes me out, plus we have a bad connection. I can barely see you," he lied.

"I see you just fine. Where are you?" Candy asked. "I'm still in Dubai, meetings," he said, "the Wi Fi here is terrible. I'll call you later, OK?"

"Alright," she said, unsteadily. "Are you sure everything is OK, Kyle, because...? Never mind. I'll talk to you later." Candy was gone.

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