Chapter 2

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Intro. It was early August and the weather in Afghanistan was smoldering. The sun was so intense you felt like any exposed skin was literally cooking in the heat. Kyle hated hot weather and tried to avoid going out in the heat this time of year as much as possible. But since you pretty much had to walk outside to go eat, go home, go to the store and most other things that pertained to life on the project, it was unavoidable. About two weeks ago, Rejoice Battle walked right in front of him in the line in the Post Exchange. The PX, as it is commonly called, is a store run by the military. The ones on Bagram sold food, clothes, drugs, toiletries, and electronics. There were also small jewelry and dry goods shops run by local nationals. On average, they were nothing fancy, but to people on the base they definitely served a purpose.

It was smoking hot that day and Kyle went in to buy some soap and get himself a cold drink, since he was in the area dropping off his laundry. There was no way she could not have seen him standing there, but it was not that big of a deal and he was in no real hurry. He had seen her around, but she was very standoffish and Kyle was of the mindset that he didn’t have to work too hard for it, because there were too many other willing participants. He sized her up while they waited.

This one was attractive, in an everyday sort of way. She had nice hair and very pretty skin. Her complexion was light brown with lots of red. Her eyes were beautiful, black magnets that seemed to pull on Kyle’s soul when she glanced at him. He continued to stare at her, intrigued for some reason. Nice full mouth, but Kyle was obsessed with her skin. She was what the fellas back home in Texas would call a redbone. Damn she is red! And a little thicker than my usual fare, but not too much. He could definitely handle what she was working with.

Two registers opened at once, so they went forward at the same time to pay for their items. They also finished at the same time. Perfect, he thought, slowing his pace so she could catch up with him.

“How are you today?” he asked her as they walked out.

“Fine, thank you,” she said, stopping and smiling at him. “How are you?” she returned, politely.

Kyle nodded and said, “I’m good. You’re a pretty woman, you know that?”

She shook her head thoughtfully and said, “You are kind. Thank you.”

Interesting response, he thought. She began to walk in the opposite direction of Kyle, so she did not see him turn and follow her. He had to make this quick, because he had a meeting to go to.

“Excuse me,” he said, she turned to see who was speaking, and tripped over a rock. Kyle was just close enough to catch her.

“My hero,” she said, and laughed. “Thank you.” Kyle noticed she did not look the least bit embarrassed. “I do this all the time,” she explained, as if she read his mind. “As long as I’ve been out here I just can’t get used to walking on these rocks.”

Large rocks covered most of the grounds on Bagram and challenged even the most agile pedestrian to traverse them with ease, let alone a klutz. There were very few sidewalks or flat tops.

“Glad I could assist,” he said, smiling and holding on to her arm. “Look, I am pressed for time, but is it possible I could call you or perhaps you would prefer to call me?” he asked.

“I’m sorry,” she said, squinting her eyes and smiling at Kyle, “I have no idea what my phone number is and I don’t have anything to write with.”

Just then, Kyle’s friend Raquel, sauntered by and he decided to catch up with this lady later. At this point, he was distracted so he said, “Maybe another time.”

“Have a good day,” she replied pleasantly, as she walked away.

Kyle was halfway down the street when he realized he forgot to get her name. He was so taken with her, he did not think to ask. It was not his moment anyway; Raquel would act the fool if she suspected he was hitting on that woman. Even though they had not hooked up in over two months, she still would have interfered, because for whatever reason, she viewed him as her personal property. Whatever.

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