Chapter 4

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Found. Kyle made sure he went to the DFAC for lunch at the appointed time, because most likely he would see her. Not that it really mattered, but if she had a boyfriend, he needed to know. He timed it perfectly, for as he was eating, he looked up and she was at the self-serve line. Kyle went to the line and got in front of some lady, just so he would be right next to Joice.

“Hey, how have you been?” he asked her.

Joice looked at him and said, “Fine, thank you.” She neither smiled nor frowned and her tone of voice was not cold or overly friendly. Kyle had never encountered a woman so perfectly neutral after being ignored by him. Interesting.

“Sorry I haven’t called you, I’ve been really busy,” Kyle offered, following her to the coffee machine. Her routine never changes. She comes in, cuts the line, goes to self-serve, gets coffee and leaves.

“No, you haven’t,” she said, her eyes cutting into him, “you were simply establishing the boundaries of our coital relationship.” Our what relationship?

“Excuse me?” he said, honestly baffled.

“You want to make sure I understand that our relationship is purely sexual and that I don’t think you want anything else out of it,” she said, heading toward the exit door. Kyle found himself abandoning his half-eaten lunch and following her outside. He took her arm and walked her over to the side of the building where there were no people.

“What are you talking about, Joice?” he asked, gauging her attitude and disposition. The last thing he needed was some kind of altercation out here in front of the DFAC. She smiled at him and said, “You are quite handsome, gorgeous, actually.” OK, I guess she is crazy.

“Anyway, what I was saying was that you didn’t call because you don’t want me to misinterpret what we have… or had. I get it,” she said, and shrugged. Kyle waited for the big boom, but all she did was stand there looking out at the road. She turned to say something and her coffee tipped over, fortunately he caught it before it all spilled.

“Whew! Thank you,” she said, laughing. He was at a loss for words, so helping her carry her lunch was a welcomed distraction right now. Then he thought about it; if she could be so blunt and down to earth, perhaps he could work with that.

“So, since you think you have me all figured out, how do you feel about it?” he asked, cautiously, as they headed for Disney. Joice creased her forehead as though she was really considering how she wanted to respond.

“I won’t lie and say it gives me a warm and fuzzy, but I have no choice but to accept your way,” she answered, plainly. She’s so honest. Kyle walked her to the office, and carried her coffee and her lunch. When they got to the door, he gave her items to her and asked, “Are you always this clumsy or do I make you nervous?”

Joice laughed loudly and said, “I’m just clumsy, sorry. Thank you.” She took her stuff and turned to go inside.

“Wait a second,” Kyle said, lowering his voice, “so, when do I get another… what is that word you used? Coy, what was it?” he asked, giving her a sneaky smile.

“A coital visit?” she whispered, and laughed. Joice returned his sneaky smile and said, “You can just call me, I guess.”

Kyle shook his head thoughtfully and said, “I know you have to go, but I have a quick question.” She looked at him. Her eyes just cut through me, he thought.

“Just a moment,” she said, holding up one finger. She went inside and put her lunch on her desk. When she returned, she touched his hand and said, “Ask.”

He cleared his throat and said, “Do you have a boyfriend out here?”

“God no,” she answered, quickly, “Rejoice Battle would not have a boyfriend out here that she didn’t bring with her.”

Kyle laughed and then told her he saw her at the Green Bean last night with a soldier.

She squinted at him over her glasses and said, “I am making an effort to stay awake longer, so I can sleep later. I went to the Green Bean and got a Latte and figured I would read and drink coffee until at least 2200. That young guy was just sharing my table. I don’t even remember his name. He was a sweetie though, and he’s very homesick.”

“Yeah, I bet he is,” Kyle remarked, and then wondered where that came from.

“Why didn’t you come over and say hello?” she asked, eyebrows raised.

“I didn’t want to interrupt,” Kyle returned. Joice looked like she was going to say something but thought better of it. “Why didn’t you answer my text?” he could not resist asking her.

“You texted me?” she said, wistfully, and put both hands on her heart. Kyle smiled and answered affirmatively.

“Oh, I forgot I can’t find my phone,” Joice said, slapping her forehead. “I had it at the Green Bean, but when I got to my room I could not find it. I went back to the Green Bean but they said no one had turned in a phone. I always keep it in my pocket. I have another one somewhere, but I have to remember to look for it tonight,” she said, squinting again. Kyle had never seen anyone so…. he didn’t even know what word he was looking for.

“Do you have a girlfriend out here?” she asked him, pursing her lips. Those eyes were melting his heart. Snap out of it, Kyle!

“No, I do not,” he said, smiling. “I’ll email you my number, so if you find your other phone you can call me,” he said, as he was leaving.

“Kyle?” she said, walking back toward him. He stopped and turned around to look at her. “You should clean your room.”

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