Jungkook (First)

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Y/n's POV

Today was Jungkook and I's anniversary! I'm really happy but it seemed like I was the only that was because in the morning, Jungkook never said good morning or anything. When I woke up, it was like he was never there. I don't what's going on with him and when I call him, he would always say "I'm sorry me and the boys need to practice more" then end the call. I soon let my doubts take me over and I asked the boys about the extra practices. They say that they never had extra practice so I was really confused. I decided to go out of the house and to the park to clear my head, but when I went, I saw something that I would never expect to see.

Jungkook and... a girl holding hands?! I hid behind a bush and listened to their conversation.

"Oppa~ lets go home and do something fun," the girl squeaked, and of course Jungkook said yes. He took out his phone and texted someone,  and I realized it was me as Ireceived a text from him. 

Baby Bunny: Babe I'll be having extra practice today so don't wait for me😊

Me: Okay!

I went back home a crying mess. Everything was blurry but, some how, I managed to get back home with my heart broken because of that jerk. I saw pictures of Jungkook and I, pictures of him and I going on our first date and when we went to the puppy cafe.

Then crashed on me. I saw picture after picture of Jungkook and I doing stuff that made both of us happy. I saw one special picture, and it made me chuckle. It was when Jungkook confessed to me under a tree. I touched the picture and little did I know I started crying again.

So all this time, he's been cheating on me! The three years I gave to him was nothing to him! I packed my things and left a note for him when he gets back home. I was done. I went to the airport and waited for my flight to England.

Jungkook's POV

I went back home after Emily and I had fun😏 When I opened the door to the house Y/n and I shared, no one was there. It was quiet and the atmosphere was really lonely or something like that. I thought that annoying girl would be awake by now. With a sigh, I went upstairs to our bedroom and saw no one but I did see a letter on the dresser. 

I picked it up and read it:

Dear Jungkook,

Hey Kookie! Thank you for being my first love, my first kiss, and my first everything! Happy anniversary! I know you forgot but that's okay... I hope you and Emily have a great future! I think you were gonna do this but I'll say it first: lets break up okay??? Okay! Please don't contact me because I deleted your number from my contacts. I know you probably regretted dating me but that's okay! I know it was all a dare! Don't worry, you didn't hurt me that much I guess haha~ Hope you have a good life with Emily. Bye, Jungkook!

Sincerely, Y/n♥


Before I knew it I was crying my eyes out. Why was I? Why? I did this to myself and now my love was gone. I even forgot our anniversary... and it was true, it was all a dare but I fell in love with Y/n and I don't regret dating her! I just got distracted...

F*ck, I messed up bad! I went out of the room and went outside shouting her name over and over again, I cried and cried. My love was gone now because of me. I wish I could turn back time. 

"I'm sorry Y/n," I said softly. I went and grabbed my car keys and went to the airport for some reason, you can call it a gut feeling. When I got there, I saw Y/n! I called her name many times but she didn't hear me 

"Y/N!!!!" I guess she heard me this time because she turned around, smiled a little, and mouthed "I love you" and went inside the plane.


That's it, I lost her forever. God, I really, seriously messed up bad and now I regret cheating on such a lovely person.

Hey my Angels/7LovelyOppas! This is a new book that I'm gonna continue after 'Is that you??' ends.... Hope you'll wait for this book to continue!

baseline edits; 12/20/18

ayo, its min, and i'm editing this bookie for my bestest-est-est-est friend and favorite writer! <3333 take care of me and enjoy!

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