Jimin (birthday) Pt2

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Y/n's POV

Me and Jimin are living happily with 1 boy and 2 girls. Yeah I got pregnant again! Well I'm not complaining its great having kids with the man you love❤

Today is Jungso is turning 4 years old I'm so happy that our little boy is growing up.

I woke up seeing Jimin staring at me "Good morning babe" Jimin said. His voice is so sexy in the morining!❤😣 "Morning to you too" I was about to get up but he grabbed my hand and pulled me back in bed "Stay~" Jimin whined "But honey I have to wake Junso and the girls up" he sighed and pecked my lips and said "Fine"

I went out of bed and went to Junso's room. I saw my little baby sleeping peacefully, I was staring at Junso and said "Your so cute~" someone then said "I know his cute like his Appa" I looked behind me and saw Jimin. I woke Junso up and he rubbed his eyes and saw me "Good morning eomma and appa!" he kissed my cheeks and Jimin's cheeks. "Baby do you know what today is??" Jimin asked Junso, just then Junso said "Ofc appa! Its my birthday!" he started running around and me and Jimin chuckled. "Baby please take a shower and brush your teeth" I told Junso "Yes mommy!" he ran to his bathroom and did the stuff I told him to do.

Now time to wake up the twins. Yeah the 2 girls are twins hehe~ Jimin and I went to there room and saw SungJae and Jinsang still sleeping. I went and took SungJae out of her crib and she started crying. I rolled my eyes playfully because she's the laziest one in the family. As for Jinsang Jimin picked her up and she woke up right away and said "Appa~" (there 2 years old btw) she was so cute.

*After waking all them up*

I was downstairs cooking breakfast for everyone. When I was done cooking I called them "Jimin,Jinsang,SungJae,Junso!!! Breakfast is ready!!" I heard footstep and I saw Jimin chasing the kids. I smiled and put the break fast on the table. "Oh~ pancakes!! My favorite!" Junso said happily. The twins giggled and started eating. Jimin looked at me and pecked my lips. The twins saw and they both said "Eww eomma appa kwishhing!" we chuckled and Junso looked up to us and said "Appa! Eomma is mine no kissing!" Jimin then said "But Eomma wants my kisses tho" I stood there watching Jimin arguing with a 4 year old.

*After breakfast*

"Junso where do you wanna celebrate your birthday??" I asked. "I wanna visit grandpa and grandma!" Jimin smiled and said "Okay we'll go to Busan then!" Junso was jumping up and down he also was saying 'Yayy!'

*Driving to Busan*

"Babe??" Jimin said I hummed in response "Do you wanna stay at your parents hotel tonight??" (Okay so quick explanation. So Y/n basically you, your half filipino half korean quarter chinese and quarter America and your parents are both CEO's of big hotels and company in Korea,Philippines,and America so basically your rich but you decided to live on your own. But your parents sends money sometime. Okay back to the story!😂 Enjoy~) "Umm. I think the kids would prefer staying at aunts house" I replied "Okay!" Jimin said.

*Aunt's house*

Jimin rang the doorbell and we heard someone said "I'll be there!" in just seconds I saw aunty her eyes went wide and said "Oh my! My baby!" she hugged Jimin she noticed me and Junso and the twins. "Hi Aunty!" I hugged her she hugged back and let go and said "Yahh! Y/n-shi I told you to call me mom!" I smiled shyly and nodded "Okay Aunt- I mean Mom" I laugh nervously she just chuckled and she hugged Junso and the twins. "Granma! Guess what's today!" Junso said to his grandmother. Mom pretended to think for a while and said "Baby Junso's birthday!" Junso smiled and nodded.

The twins ran inside the house and everyone giggled because Sung Jae fell but Jin Sang picked her sister up. When we went inside I saw Uncle. "Dad!" Jimin shouted uncle looked at Jimin and walked to him and hugged him "My son!" he noticed me and let go "Oh! Y/n-shi!" he hugged me and ofc I hugged back "Hi Uncle" he let go and said "How many times do I have to remind you to call me dad not uncle!" he scolded me playfully I just nodded and said "Sorry Dad" he chuckled and went to Junso and said "Happy birthday little Jimin" Junso answered his grandfather "Grandpa I don't look like Appa! I look like Eomma! But thank you!" we all giggled because it was true Junso looked like me meanwhile the twins looked like Jimin for some reason.

But for the rest of the day we spent Jungso's birthday with mom,dad,jimin,and the twins. We went to the amusement park, we went to many places. We had fun! I love my family hopefully we stay happy and healthy for the rest of our life❤



Hi my little angels/7LovelyOppas! Hope you liked this part2 I know its shorter but there you go!❤❤ thank you for reading this! Love ya! ^3^

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