Namjoon (All I've Got)

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A/N: So I did an angst, now I'll do an imagine

Tell me what'cha think~


Namjoon: All I've Got

As a wanted fugitive, Namjoon had no other option but to run. He had a plan originally to change his identity and live a happy life away from his sin, but it was impossible; his sin was too great.

With no money and starving to death, he reluctantly went to a bar, the one where it all started. He hated it but... he was tired of running. He wanted fun. He (j)hoped the club would make his time worthwhile.

The music blasted into his Eustachian tube as usual when he walked in. The stench of alcohol filled his nose and he sneezed a bit. It'd been a while since he'd smelt that drink.

So with that, he went to the bar. He didn't have money, but the pretty lady next to him had cash pouring out of her. Probably some rich bitch, he muttered and snatched her money as it fell.

He shoved majority of it in his pockets that had been empty for too long and bought himself some drinks.

He just finished the last of it when he was pulled onto the dance floor. Grunting, he yanked the arm and tried to walk off, only to have himself pulled by someone else.

By the time he finally broke free, he was standing backstage. His eyes looked a bit bewilderedly before he landed on six guys.

"Look hyung," one wheezed, the one who brought him here, "I found us a guy." Namjoon furrowed his brows at the one who was called hyung who clapped his hands in joy and approached Namjoon.

The said man put his shields went up.

"Who are you?" Namjoon said with a voice as cold as ice.

The one called hyung chuckled, "Look, kid, our leader just bailed on us and we need you to fill in our space, you know BTS?"

"Dafuq? I don't know BTS, now if your asses could excuse me, I'm-" Namjoon was interrupted as a stagehand gave him some clothes. He almost objected, but the serious ajumma threatened to strip him down, so he changed in the dressing room with no choice.

 When he came out looking presentable in a way he hadn't in awhile, he was handed a microphone and pushed on the stage along with the other boys.

He cursed quite aggressively.

"Yo, Sweg Night Club, wassup?" The one named hyung called out and the crowd cheered.

Suga, the girls cried out and the guy he'd been calling hyung all this time smirked. So his name must be Suga.

Other names were called out by the audience, and Namjoon was able to identify each one of the six guys. He was actually amused with the scene until the audience directed their attention at him.

Ah fuck. 

"Introduce yourself," the one named Jin hissed.

Namjoon rolled his eyes and stepped forward pushing his sunglasses up and shoving the hand into his pocket.

"Sup, I'm RM and I'm the new leader cuz some douche bag ditched this group. That ain't fair ain't it?" The crowd roared in agreement especially when he said it in perfect English. The boys looked at him in amazement and in thanks. He offered only a small nod in acknowledgment.

He then turned to the crowd and yelled in English, "Y'all ready to get turnt?" The crowd roared in agreement as the music started.

Four members, Jungkook, Jimin, V, and Jin, got in dancing positions as the other 2, Suga and J-Hope, start with the classic 'Yo', 'wassup' to get the crowd ready for a rap session.

He decided he'd stick with the rappers, not so comfortable with the idea of dancing in front of all these people.

Based on what he saw and heard, when it was his turn, words slid off his tongue like butter. English and Korean together, the crowd went wild.

The boys had whispered things to him in between numbers and he learned that the concert had a 4 part rap called Cypher and the last song, MIC Drop.

By the end, the crowd was wild, and Namjoon smiled, completely forgetting everything.

Even though there was a huge wanted sticker on his head, he smiled. So this is what it's like to be free, he wondered.

He knew that someday his sin would catch up to him, but for now... 

He smiled at the boys as he pulled the wad of cash out of his pocket and threw it into the crowd, increasing its craziness.

For now, I'll give it all I've got.

A/N: Yea yea I know it didn't have any romance or things like that, but I thought it'd be a fun idea on the fact of how RM became the leader. (Not)

I could make a part 2 for the mushy stuff if y'all want so comment and put what you want in it.


I could tell you 'bout his great sin. ;)

Feedback is always welcome~

(J)Hope you enjoyed it!

Seeya around~

You temporary author,


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