Jimin (Why?)

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The day I married you was the best day of my life. I just never thought you would be like this.

Where is that sweet, caring, kind man that I married to? Your not the Jimin that I know. You're abusive now. You even sleep with other women.


Why did you change? Why? Why did you start to beat me up? Is it because you love another woman?

I just found out that I was pregnant. I don't think you'll treat me any better when you find out. I think it will be worse if I tell you that I'm pregnant with your child. But I have to tell you. You're the father you need to know. This baby is our responsibility now.

"Jimin-ah?" you called out.

"What?!" you jumped a bit at the sudden yelling.

"I-I have to tell you something" he just rolled his eyes and said "Tell it to me later." you sighed mentally. "O-okay"

He stood up from the chair and said "I'll be in the studio for a long time don't wait for me to come home"

You just nodded your head and said "Ok" you knew that he went out to get alcohol and sleep with girls. You guys wonder why I knew this its because he uses the same excuses.

You had enough of this. You loved him very much. You know he loved you but you had enough of the slaps and all.

Jimin went to the club ofc. I mean who wouldn't know that.

Y/n's POV

I packed all my clothes. I decided to go back to my old house. My old house was near the club where Jimin goes.

I looked down and put my hands on my belly. And whispered "Its okay baby well be alright" I smiled a little before getting out of Jimin's house.

Second Person's POV

After you left the house you started to walk to your old house. It was already 9 pm in the evening.

Your old house was really pretty. But the way to your old house was not. It had drunk people 24/7 since there was a club two blocks away.

And that's where Jimin always is. You knew because of the same excuses and because you followed him one time. You were hurt seeing your husband kissing another girl.

Just why? You always asked yourself that. Why is he doing this?

You were almost to your old house but three guys stopped your tracks. Two of them had guns one of them had a knife. You were scared. You didn't want your baby to die. You were only 1 month pregnant. You didn't want to die either.

But you thought this is probably what Jimin wants. He doesn't love me anymore. He loves another woman.

"W-what do you want?" you asked. The 3 of them chuckled bitterly and they didn't even answer your question. The guy that has brown hair pulled the trigger and shot you right in the belly.

You stumbled and another *Bang🔫* was heard. This time your heart was shot. It made you fall down and you still had your hand on your belly.

The guys that shot you ran for there life. 3 of them heard the police.

Meanwhile, Jimin was walking down to get fresh air he heard 2 shots. He got scared and called the police right away. He heard the shots in an alleyway. Just about 2 minutes the police came.

He ran to the alley and saw your weak body. When he saw you in that state his eyes started to tear up. He ran to you and hugged your body.

"N-no! Y/n! Don't leave me!" he said. You smiled knowing he still cares for you. "J...jimin...... W-why did... You cheat o-on me?.... *coughing blood*" his tears is now purring.

"I was jealous of those guys who look at you... I-I wanted t-to make you jealous too" you once again smiled because he was just jealous. "J...jimin-ah..... I-i have something to tell you.." he then said, "W-what is it?"

"I'm p-pregnant...... And y-your the father." you smiled. His eye went wide. "And this is one of the reasons that you can't die!"

You were too weak to argue. Your eyes were getting heavy and you knew this was your time"I...love you Jimin-ah" you sit up a bit and pecked his lips and your eyes were closed now.

"NOOO!!! Y/N DON'T LEAVE ME!!!" he hugged your body more. "I love you too Y/n" he whispered before kissing your forehead. He cried and cried. Until the ambulance came and had to take him away from you.

Your question was now answered. You knew why he did this now. He wanted you to be jealous too.


Hi, my beautiful angels! I wrote this chapter in school so hopefully, this wasn't a bad chapter. Hope you liked it!💞

Thank you for #86 in random guys! Thank you! I love you guys so much!💞😘😘❤

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