Chapter 15

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Harry's POV

Today I have a 1 on 1 date with Brenda. She seems sweet and quirky and I haven't had the chance to really get to know her.

I sent a note to the hotel room this morning saying 'Catch me if you can...' . It's quite fun to always know what dates I'm taking the girls on when they have absolute no clue. These notes are like little teasers to give them a chance at attempting to know what we will be doing for the day.

I will be taking Brenda on a jog through Central Park and then to the zoo. I think it could be fun. I love to keep fit and workout and I would love to see my lady do the same. Then the zoo is just for fun to see some cool animals.

Thankfully producers have decided that this date a rose will not be up for grabs, but that I would send 1 girl home at the rose ceremony tomorrow. That takes a lot of stress off me, and will help me relax more and just focus on spending time with her.

I arrive at the hotel room once again this week and walk inside.

The ladies greet me and I give an extra big hug to Sophie and Jen. I'm glad I held onto both of them, I can't imagine either of them having to leave. I wink at Layla and Penny who just laugh at me and then search the room for Brenda.

"She should be out any second now." Kim says from the other side of the room. I smile and thank her.

I sat down and started talking to the ladies and only 15 minutes later, Brenda decided to make her way out the bedroom.

"Oh hi Harry." She said as she crosses the room and hugs me. She isn't wearing clothes that she could run in, which kind of worries me.

"Umm, Love I think you should get changed into something more comfortable." I say, motioning to the gym shorts, sleeveless shirt and running shoes I was wearing.

"Oh! Ok then, I'll be 5 minutes!" She heads back to her room and I sit down once again, chatting to the ladies.

After waiting for what seemed like hours, Brenda came out dressed in slightly better choice of clothing.

I said goodbye to the ladies as we headed out the door, down the elevator and into the car waiting for us.

"So what are we doing today, Mr.Styles?" She asks. I was quite on edge from waiting so long for her to get ready,wasting time that we could have spent together, and even now that we are together I don't feel comfortable.

"You'll see." I put on a smile and try to push my emotions aside. I have to at least give her a chance.

We arrive at the park and I help her out the car.

"So we are going to go for an afternoon jog." I say, waiting to see her reply.

"Ohhh ok. How far?"

"We are jogging to the other side of the park to the zoo." I grab the backpack out the car and slide it on my back.

"Come on let's go." We begin to run.

There's silence between us and I don't know how I feel about that.

"Harry please can we stop?" I turn around and agree.

After waiting for her to have something to drink and fixing her hair three times, we finally continue our jog. We stop 4 times after that, each time where Brenda complains about how tired she is or how her hair is a mess, eventually we arrive at the zoo.

You know, I came on this show to find love, someone who I can spend the rest of my life with, someone who honestly gets along with me and who I can say that I truly love. I've met girls that I see those possibilities with, and I know how it feels to be loved and be inlove, I just don't know if I feel that with her.

The Bachelor: Harry Styles #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now