Chapter 48

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Harry's POV

"Mr Wood. So glad to finally meet you." I shake Layla's dad's hand, standing in the massive living room. He is a well dressed,quite tall very healthy and well groomed man with grey-ish hair.

"Please, call me David." He returns my handshake,"And the pleasure is all mine Mr.Styles. I've heard so much about you." I smile and my brain goes into overdrive. What does he mean he's heard so much about me? From who? The tabloids? Other famous people?

"Ma'am," I nod my head at Layla's mom, who's dressed in only the most sophisticated light pink pencil skirt and a blazer. She fixes her dark brown hair and puts a hand out for me to shake. I gently grab her hand and return her light handshake.

"You look lovely." I say as I smile at her. I know the key to winning parents over is usually compliments and respect.

"Why thank you young man." She nods. I stand next to Layla with my hands behind my back and suddenly feel a bit underdressed. My brown boots that I put on inside the car full of sand, my ripped, black skinny jeans still a bit wet along with my white shirt- also wet, I look like some random guy that just climbed out of the sea.

Layla grabs my hand as her parents lead the way to the couches in the living room. We sit down and Layla squeezes my hand as I turn to look at her and smile.

Just then I hear a high pitched scream from the other side of the room giving me a heart attack. I look up and see a teenage girl with long blackish brown hair jumping up and down, still screaming.

"Jade! Jade!" Her mom calls out to her, "calm down, stop screaming please, it is highly inappropriate and scaring our guest."

She stops jumping and covers her mouth with both her hands.

"It's, it's you." She begins to cry as we all stare at her.

Layla and her parents begin to start a conversation next to me as Jade sits down on the couch opposite us still crying and staring at me.

I decide to at least say a proper hello to this poor girl, she's in such a state and neither Layla nor her parents seem to care.

I stand up and release my hand from Layla's, making my way across the room to the couch where Jade is seated.

I sit down next to her and turn to look at her.

"Nice to meet you Jade." I smile at her and put out my hand to shake.

She surprises me by throwing her arms around my neck and sobbing.

I stroke her back to try calm her down,"It's ok, breathe."

She let's go of me and sits back in the couch, "I'm sorry. It's just I've always wanted to meet you. You're so amazing." She wipes her tears away from her cheeks.

"Thank you, well now you've met me." I put my hand on hers.

She laughs. "Could you please do me a favor?" She asks with wide eyes.

"Sure, anything." I smirk.

"Could you please sign one of my posters in my room?"

"Of course." She takes my hand and begins to lead me out the room.

"I'll be right back!" I shout to Layla and her parents.

Jade pulls me up the stairs and leads me to her huge bedroom covered in One Direction posters and every merchandise item you can think of.

Layla's POV

"So do you think he has a chance of choosing you?" My father asks as Harry leaves the room with my brat of a sister.

"Definitely. I've got that innocent naive little Harry wrapped around my finger."

My father laughs.

"Good, because you know I need this. If you two get engaged I definitely will have more of a reason to convince their management company for me to buy them out."

"Yeah, and then I get Liam Hemsworth?" Liam and I met last year but he's been filming so we haven't gotten a chance to hang out, I definitely want him though.

"Yeah, I've already spoken to him and his management, offered them quite a bit,he'll be here in seconds if I tell him to."

"Good. I mean Harry is nice, but I want a real man. Plus I can't deal with this boyband crap, it's too soppy."

"So you're sure that you'll get him?" My dad questions

"Well there's just like 2 other girls who I see as threats."

"Explain?" My father leans closer to me resting his arms on his knees.

"Well the first one is Sophie. Innocent, sweet little blonde girl who's husband died in Russia or whatever. Harry clearly likes her but I think she'll break before the final. She hasn't moved on and even if she has I can make it look like she's interested in one of the other band members that she seems to always talk about anyways."

"Yeah, and the other girl?"

I sigh, "Her name is Jen. Tried to get friendly with her as soon as I saw Harry and her get along. I see her as the biggest threat because Harry seems to always be with her or concerned about her."

"Then just feed him some lies, he'll believe them if he likes you."

"Actually I've got so many ways to get her off the show. She's opened up to me about her ex boyfriend and how she still might have a thing for him."

"Well then find proof or a way to convince Harry about that. Or is there any dirt on her past?"

"She hasn't mentioned her family or past at all to me."

"Okay, I'll ask some people to do some background checks."

"Or if that doesn't work, I found her sweater in Harry's bathroom. If she spent a night with him she could breach contract terms and I could turn her into the producers."

"But what were you doing in his bathroom?" My father is so nosey.

"Dress fitting and I stayed overnight." I roll my eyes.

"So what if they find out that you were breaching contract terms?"

"Harry wouldn't tell a soul and no one else could have possibly known because our cabins were all far apart."

"Good. Just make sure you're the one he is on one knee for at the end."

A/n Hay everyone!!! So yeah it's getting interesting now ;)

How do you guys feel right now? Were you expecting it? Or did you think Layla was just a girl with attitude who liked Harry?

Our exams are over now! Thank you so much for being patient with us!

Btw. We picture Layla's parents as Pierce Brosnan and Sandra Bullock then Jade is Maia Mitchell. :)

Cool stuff! Vote and comment!

Yours in styles

The Bachelor: Harry Styles #Wattys2016Where stories live. Discover now