Chapter 78

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Jen's POV

I feel Harry move below me as my eyes open up slowly. Looking up at him our eyes meet and Harry has a cute half asleep smile on his face.

"Good morning." He yawns as I cuddle closer into him.

Squeezing him gently I reply, "Morning."

Laying in each other's arms, we try prolong this moment as long as possible. Harry strokes my back lightly with his fingers and my hand rests next to my head on his chest.

"Baby I need to go soon."

Letting out a sigh I close my eyes, "I know. Just wanted to spend as much time with you as possible."

Sitting up in bed I make my way to the bathroom to wash my face and wake up a bit more.

I look up into the mirror to see that the purple bruise still takes up my left cheek, though my lip is luckily not as swollen as it was yesterday.

As I rinse my face Harry enters the bathroom and stands behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist, resting his chin on my shoulder as I dry my face.

"I have to go now. So I'll see you Friday. But I'll text you tomorrow or when I have time yeah?" Gently he kisses me on my unbruised cheek.

Turning around in his arms I reach up and wrap my arms around his neck, giving him a long, lingering hug, "Okay. Have fun."

Harry gives me one last peck on the cheek before walking out the bathroom and making his way,with his suitcase out the front door.

Hopefully today will be relaxed, I need to think about this whole Layla thing. Maybe I should talk to her at the rose ceremony or before to find out why she's doing this. Why was she spreading these rumors and why would she send someone that works for her dad to attack me?

I need to speak to Claire too about all this and find out what's happening with her and Luke.

I should probably phone my mom too, I haven't spoken to her since we made up the other day.

All these things to think about and do. Maybe this day won't be as relaxed as I thought.

Harry's POV

Stepping into the London management offices I make my way to a boardroom where the secretary said my meeting should be held.

Today I plan on convincing management that I can choose either of these last three girls because all of them are perfect and the fans will love them. I have a few things to say so I'm pretty confident that I'll convince them.

I open the door and walk into the boardroom where Simon along with Angie and some other guy are all sitting on one side of the table. As per usual I take a seat on the opposite side of the table.

"Harry, thank you for coming." Angie begins.

"Well I didn't really have a choice but okay." I know it seems like I'm being rude to my management but if you knew half the things they've made us do or how many things they've made us fake, you wouldn't like them either.

Simon shakes his head with a smile, "Just listen us out Harry."

"Okay, but just know I have my own opinion too."

Angie picks up her notes in front of her, "So you are down to three girls now and it's getting closer to the finale."

I nod my head slowly, pretending to listen.

"As you know the show has already begun to air and it's getting very good reviews, your fans seem to have a lot of opinions. Most of them really like Sophie but there's a group that are 'shipping' her with Niall after that second group date mishap."

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