SGA retreat Saturday 10/7/17

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SGA stand for Student Government Association. I am a junior senator. Every year SGA go on a retreat for team bonding. This is my first year doing SGA so I was excited to go on this retreat. I woke up at 5:00 this morning since we had to meet at Ellison by 7:30. I always like waking up 2 hours early if I am going to class or somewhere in the morning to make sure I have time to get ready and to do things on my laptop like watch Netflix. I left at 7:00 and I carried my purse, backpack where my Homework is because I'm a nerd I always have to bring my Homework, and my suit case with everything I need. I struggle getting to Ellison. I finally got there and saw 2 of the members already there. We waited for everyone else to get there and when we did we had bagels from bagel world. Then we got into the cars and head to  Warren Conference in Ashland. I brought my books with me so I can read in the car but instead talked all the way there. We got there and went inside that building. We waited for everyone else to get there and then we started. We did some team bonding activities. The first one we have done was speed cards. Each table gotten two decks. A red deck and a blue deck and mix them up then try to get them back to their order on how it was in the deck. My team was in lead in the beginning but then found it difficult. After that we got off the tables and do some other activities. The next one was a ball activity. We all had a slide thing and a ball. We go into different teams and line up sliding the ball all the way to the bucket. It took some during but we made it and I believe we won. We couldn't let the ball drop or we start over and we can't let our fingers touch the ball or else we start over. The next one was the blocks activity. We got into our team. We line up and put our Dominate hand behind our backs. For me it was my right hand. Then we each gotten a block and we had to run to the other side and stack them in a line of 10. This was really fun too. Then we  did the disk activities. The guy throw the disks around the room. We had to get them, bring them to the table and put the disk in order. This was an easy activity. The last team bonding activity was with large cards. We grab a large card and don't look at it then put it up on our forehead. We are not allowed to talk so we had to find a way to tell each other where to go. We did a little sign language for the letters J, K, and Q. After we are somehow told what card we have we have to find a spot in line where we are suppose to be. All these activities was timed and we done them a couple of times each to beat our record. After we have done the last activity we put all those activities together into a big event and choose which activity to do both. This was also time and man this was exhausting. Then we had lunch. I didn't really eat lunch because there wasn't anything I liked. I just had a brownie.

The next thing we were going to do are a couple of rope activities

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The next thing we were going to do are a couple of rope activities. Before I tell you about this let me tell you a story. It is about when I was in Girl Scouts in 9th grade. We had a camping trip and one of the things we had to do is walk the type rope. I was the first one up because my birthday is in October and so was the guy that was having us do this. I got in a harness. I went up and I got on the rope holding the rope above me. I started to cry because I was afraid I will fall. I turn my body and walked side ways since I had a hard time walking on the rope. I was still crying but I finished it and got down. I felt good that I done it. My mom was crying because I was crying. I won't see my mom do something like that because she is deathly afraid of heights. I am not really afraid of heights. I am afraid of heights that I don't feel safe. Everyone went after me following my example and thanked me for showing them how to crossed the easy way. This kind of relate to what we did. We went outside. There was wire tied to the trees. This activity is also going to be time but before that we get to practice. They wanted me to go first. Now the wire isn't much off the ground like how it was that time in girls scouts. I tried to get on but struggled and started to tear up. I finally got up and hold onto the tree. I really started to cry and I couldn't move. They let me get down. They understand that I didn't feel comfortable doing it and I was able to sit out and watched. Watching them made me feel good that I wasn't doing that because I know I couldn't do it and that I would slow them down.

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