Tuesday 11/14/17

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It's another Tuesday. I went to Biology and took notes. We had to do a case study so I teamed up with Greg who is blind so I had to do the writing but I was impressed how he know how to answer the questions when he can't see the diagram and relied on me reading the case study. I guess the Professor sent him a verbal case study last night but still I was impressed. After class I had lunch and went to the SGA office. I practice one more time for my presentation in french and watched the Good Doctor episode that I missed last night and it was so amazingly good. This is one of my favorite shows.  Then I went to my french class and I showed my picture of my parents and a picture of Tigress and I said everything in french. I think I did a really good job. Then I went to student Government and was surprised that the Bible study group was there. It was a long meeting but I got through it and had a slice of pizza. Then I went to MASSPIRG but then I found out there was no Clean energy today and I was pissed that I didn't get a text about that from anyone. I went back tot he room and submitted my N-3 report for Biology. That article I read was really interesting about the supervolcano. I hope it doesn't erupt because if it does then the whole US will be wiped out.At least it isn't going to happen in my life time so that's good. Then I worked on my french homework and made an appointment for tutoring tomorrow at 2. I also worked on my Community meeting report paper for one of my social work classes.  

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