Chapter 1:The day you meet her

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(A/n: I forgot to say this but I don't own any of these arts and I'm sure you all knew that all of the credit goes to who ever made these drawings alright let's start this fun story.)

Y/n pov
I woke up this morning to the sound of beeping and my response is grabbing it and chucking at the wall.while you were happy with this you realized it was meant for school."Crap i forgot that i had to go to a thing called school which I hate so munch but at the same time I kinda like just because of all people I meet "you thought to your self".As you got ready wearing you favorite outfit for the day you went down stairs to see to your surprise that your foster parents are still in bed. You went ahead and made breakfast ate some and left you got in your car(it's whatever car you want it to be)you start up the car and turn up the radio and was pumped to hear your f/s playing on radio.Your school was not to far from your home so you weren't in rush to get there.After you arrived at school you went to your first class of the day when you entered your classroom and sat down next to your best friend.You and the class turned to the teacher cause apparently there were some new kids this peeked your interest.Mr.teacher dude:Alright class today we have new students.After he said that three people enter the classroom two human one monster the two humans were female first one you notice was the one with brown hair and a green shirt with a yellow strip with brown shorts and brown boots she had red crimson eyes which you thought were cute.You stop staring at her then went to the other on who had a blue shirt with purple strips and basically the same thing as the last girl except she wore a black hoodie with her outfit and she had brown eyes.The male monster who wore a jacket with a shirt and he was a goat and seemed pretty chill guy. They introduced them self(it's order from who you saw) the girl with red eyes was Chara,the other girl was frisk and the guy was asirel.Chara seem to looking towards you a lot but you shook it off they were allowed to pick were they wanted to sit. As you watched them pick there seats chara was walking towards you behind her was frisk. Chara took a sit to the left if you and frisk sat behind her you turned to and said Hi I'm y/n and stick your hand for her to shake she shook your and said and I'm Chara but I'm sure you already knew that.Welcome to our school if you want I could show you guys around the school you said.sure why not Chara said and turned to frisk who was being every shy "well I guess she's nervous I would be new school new people she seemed every nice though"you thought to yourself and started talking them as soon as class started you stoped talking them and you turned to focus on class.When class was over you showed the three new students to all there class to your surprise they had most of the same classes as you.Alright here is our second class for the day and then if you follow me here is the our cafeteria and over there is the gym now let's head to our second class you said.
Thanks for showing us around said Frisk.
Eh it's no problem wouldn't won't you guys lost wondering the school you said with a bit of a chuckle.
from there your day was normal until when you got to lunch.
You had your food and sat down when you notice a group of kids surrounding a got up and thought"how did I not notice this before" as you walked up you saw a group of bullies around frisk,Chara,asriel. Chara and asriel were standing up for frisk they were fighting the bullies and I could tell they weren't doing to well against them cause the reason why is the group of bullies were a gang like greaser but not.You pushed though the crowd and got between the two groups.Hey guys listen I'm sure we can talk this out right after you said that the leader of the gang replayed with Get out of the way y/n or we will attack you to and I'm sure you wouldn't want that.Well you see I can't get out of the way but I would like not to fight and I know you will attack me so come on bring it jackass you said raising your fists.Y/n what are you doing let us handle this it's our fight said Chara who was annoyed with you getting in the way.Listen you three you should get to the nurse you three are hurt and I can tell your good fighters but trust me I got this you said as you turned to them. He's not wrong Chara frisk is badly hurt and so are we said asriel as he was picking frisk up.You looked at frisk to she was beat up pretty badly and this made you angry with the bullies.Well well look at y/n trying to play a hero are you ready to get your ass kicked.As the three got out of the crowd and started to head to the nurse and get a teacher to stop it before you would get hurt baldy or the bullies."Well shit I didn't know What I was thinking try to take on seven guys I mean I'm good fighter but I never took on a lot of guys in a fist fight plus some of them had weapons".You knew that all you had to do this hold out till a teacher comes and stops it so the plan is to take down as many as you can and not go down.

(You don't have to play this but I thought it was good music for a fist fight and plus I mean it's queen who doesn't love queen well of coarse expect for who don't like queen also at the top)
You were surrounded and you this was not gonna well for you.
As the first guy to attack had no weapon as threw a punch you doge and then kneed him in the gut grab him and threw into two of the other bullies knocking them all down.they got back up and got back into of the bullies snuck Behind you and grab and had you locked in his bear hug with that your arms were trapped.Two of the guys charged at you one with brass knuckles the other with a wrench. You kicked the guy with the brass knuckles and doge the guy with the wrench who swung at you missed and hit the guy holding cause him to be knocked then tackle the guy with the wrench you then started to punch him rapidly when his friend with brass knuckles came in and punched you right across the face this caused you to fall landing on your side. You quickly got up and just in time dodged a punch and threw your punch hitting him right in the gut then your grabbed him and kneed him right the face breaking his nose. He yells out in pain and holds his nose you didn't waste anytime and punched him again knocking him out."I took out two so far now only five more".the guy with the wrench got up and hit your arm and he swung again the time hitting your wrist and felt like he had just broken your yell out in pain and with the good hand you had left(it can be your left or right hand)you crack him right across the face then quickly grabbed him picked him up and body slammed him. He wasn't going to get up you you relaxed you out 3 guys so were happy you made this far but you wondering how long you would last for.Thats when it hits you a huge sudden pain you fell to the ground not knowing what happened but you figured out quickly the leader had slashed your back .It wasn't a deep cut but I hurt you managed to get back up willing to fight still. You saw one of them swing a baseball bat at you dodged and the kicked him right on the knee which cause him to fall you then kicked him the face knocking him far you've gotten four guys but you knew you couldn't keep long as the last were coming at you at once you were able to dodge the leader but you were quickly hit after that then you punched in the gut the kneed in the face your nose was luckily not broken you weren't fully sure.then you got kicked in the gut they all at once start kick and punch you but luckily it was like angle came to save cause you saw Chara with teacher come running in saving you.Your world just seem to get black as you tried to say awake but couldn't you passed out.

(A/n:well guys this was a long start and I'm sorry if made it to long and sorry if made Chara and asriel seem like weaklings I wasn't trying to I was making your fight in a way and at the time I said they were hurt and they weren't using magic or anything like that they were just using there fighting skills which were good but the only reason why there were Laing is cause they had weapons and I'm sorry about that but please tell me what you thought of this and if you liked it and if there's anything I could do to improve like I said this my first story so I might be really bad anyways peace out.)

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