Chapter 8:Dont give up keep trying

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Y/n pov
It's been about a week since the death of my foster parents.Our uncle he's a good but he's kinda grump and sad over the lost of his sister.I know he's good guy but he's debt and he can't really work it off since he older guy.So he pays the bills and gets the food and that's about it from there he does own thing.But since he can't work off the debt I'm doing and I can't really get job since I'm just in high school and not graduate.I have to drop out of school and I know my friends will be wondering what happen to me.But I have to like I said I was just in high and didn't finish there not lot of jobs available except some hard labor.I have to take extra shifts and I try my best to take care of Emma.Ill wake her make breakfast and if I'm lucky take her to school but usually I have be their early.So what I do is send her to toriel and then toriel takes to school or feed her and make lunch for school.Ive been reality great full for toriel cause Emma mainly stays over there and if her home late she spends the night there.Ive been over working lately I come and sleep and wake up early go to work and if Emma needs a thing I take care of it.Today was going  to be tiring i could tell cause when I got to work there was trucks big one with a bunch of crates in them.
Boss:Alright boys today is gonna be a long day so get to it and no slacking off.
We all started to work on moving the crates out the truck into the building.

Time skip cause I can boiiiiiii
We were half way done when I saw they guys who my uncle owe a lot money to they Owned this company.I could they were here for me when spotted me that were staring me down and walking towards me.they  were dressed like some greaser black  shades leather coat jeans blue or black there had gel in it.
The main guy of the group who gets the debts name is Steve.
Steve:so y/n you got enough money for the boss to pay off your uncles debt.
Y/n:I'm sorry Steve but no don't all money that I get paid goes to your boss immediately.And let me say I don't get paid a lot for the work I put in.i say wiping my forehead since I was covered in sweat from the labor work.My white sleeves shirt covers in sweat whisk I was wearing some blue jeans.
Steve:Well y/n you know the boss isn't happy that only 15% percent of your uncles debt is paid off.
Y/n:Well I'm sorry Steve but there not a lot I can do about it.
Steve:I don't care if you need to take more shifts do it just make more money then you are now.But y/n That's not the whole reason why were here.You see the boss had a feeling that you say something along the line of This and I can't let you off the hook.So were gonna have to make an example out of you I'm sorry to this man.
Y/n:Come Steve can't you let me off the hook this one time.
Steve:Sorry y/n but if not you The your sister which I know you don't want.So boys let's get to work.
With the the guys started to gain up on you in front of all your co-workers they couldn't help or they would be next they were just there watching as you got the shit kicked out of you.You we're getting kicked in the gut punched in the face.You heard someone scream you look up to see Emma been hold back by one of your co-workers.he was buddy you met at work he was also a teenager that dropped out to pay a debt off for his family.He's name was Winter(Oh yeah boi I'm putting one of oc in the book cause I can you got a problem then you can leave I'm kidding back to the story)
The main thing I was focused on is the fact I left Emma with toriel and I know she wouldn't let Emma go anywhere with out her or someone else at that there house.I look around the gate where she entered seeing if someone from toriel house is gonna show up.I then look over to the crying Emma and look at Winter who I can tell is on debate whether he should help me or not.I shook my head for him not and I got kicked in the face.I could tell that they were almost done cause one by one they slowed down.Unless they were getting tired which I doubt I look around to see them stoping.
Steve:Alright boys I think he's learned a lesson now let's head out now.
With that they got into a car and drive off and Emma ran over to me.
I started to climb towards the building and rested my self against it and looked up at Emma.
Y/n:What are you doing here why isn't there anyone with you.I asked getting mad that no one showed to get Emma and stop from seeing that.I mean Winter tried his best but she was struggling and kicking him.
Emma:We were walking around town me Frisk,Asriel,Chara,Sans,Papyrus when I saw we were near you so I thought I could stop and visit you when.
Y/n:I'm guessing you didn't tell them you were gonna be over here.
Emma:no cause you said that you didn't want the others see you here.
Y/n:yeah I guess that's my fault huh
Winter:Hey man how you holding up cause you look like sh-
Y/n:Im doing fine Winter don't worry I've took a hell of a beating before.
Winter:Yeah I guess you have well I'm sorry I should have stepped in.
Y/n:No man your fine really thanks for trying your best to not let Emma not see this.
Winter:Hey it's what friends but they also doing stand by and watch as there gets beaten up.
I look down at Emma who hugging me and not wanting to let go.I tell Winter that's it's okay and that what he did was helpful to me.Thats when I heard people shouting Emma's name and In a worried tone.
Y/n:Crap winter man help me get home will you.I say reaching my hand out for him to grab and which he does and put my arm around he's neck so he could help me move around better.Thats not what he did instead he stared to drag me which I was fine with cause honestly getting the shit kicked out of me is something best to rest off on.As were walking towards the gate we saw to the right a group of people who I recognized.The people I really do t want to see right now as I started to curse in my head did bad timing since I didn't want Emma think it was okay to curse.As we walked out the the group stopped right as we left and looked at us.Hell i knew if they didn't see me if Emma they were gonna soon since frisk always want to help someone hurt even if she doesn't know them.I hang my head so it's harder for them to recognized and Emma just got behind Winter.
Frisk:Hey there what happen to this guy frisk ask taking steps towards me.
Winter:He got into a fight at work he fine just me just out cold the fight wasn't too bad.
Frisk:Really cause looks like he got the hell kicked out of him and doesn't look like he fought back.
I knew there no way of avoiding this they were gonna find out either way so I decide to speak up.
Y/n:Yeah well Frisk I'm pretty good at getting the shit kicked out of me.
I then look up at them
Emma came out of hiding behind Winter.
Chara:What the hell happen to you y/n
She said coming over to me in a worried tone.
Y/n:Well not munch a fight like he said pointing to Winter.Chara then gave winter dirty look and got up and started to talk to Winter.
Chara:Did you do this to y/n huh or did you even try to help him.
Y/n:Chara back off he's my friend and yes he did help me by holding back Emma.
Frisk:Y/n why aren't at school anymore
Chara&Asriel:Yeah that's a good question Frisk.They say and start to stare me down waiting for my response.
Y/n:Fine you wanna why I'll tell you why my uncle is a old man and can't Pay off a debt. so I have to that means I work most of the day and I have drop out of high school.Since I'm just in high school I can't get a real job and I dint finish high school which also means there no job I can get except for labor.
Sans:Kid why didn't you come to us about the debt sans said sad and worried about me.
Y/n:I just didn't need make this your gush problem I said.
The funny thing is that I notice Frisk keeps looking at winter like she's sizing him up.(Now I bet you wondering why I named him Winter it's because he's young but he naturally born with white hair that didn't really make him look like an old man.But it's white like snow and if corse he has a real but I'll tell the later on.)I thought it b fun to mess with her since she does it to me and chara a lot so I knew what I was gonna say.
Y/n:Hey Frisk do you like what you seeing I say and winter looks at seeing her stare at him.Which then Frisk heard me say and turn 50 shades of red and looking away.
Y/n:Anyways guys this have been fun but I'm heading home okay and next time keep a better eye on Emma I say while winter helps me back to the house.They were worried I see it in there faces but they didn't to worry about me just Emma that's all I want them to worry about.Once we got home Winter got me a ice pack while I rested on the couch with Emma resting on top of me sleeping.Winter being such good friend brought blanket blanket and placed it on Emma.I was starting to go watch movie on tv when there was a knock and winter open it to reveal Frisk and Chara.They said that everyone has agreed on taking time to help nurse me back to health they were staring first.Chara came over to me with a face that told me she was upset.
Chara:I swear if you keep getting beat up it's gonna be the death of you.
Y/n:Well sorry what can I say I'm a crazy one.
Chara:Yeah true but You and your sister cuddling like this is adorable.
Y/n:Hey Chara you tired to look like you have slept.
Chara:Yeah I was kinda up all night texting someone named y/n unless you forgot which I'm guessing you did.
She said all that In annoyed tone but I just chuckled a bit.
Y/n:Yeah sorry just really tired can't remember a lot to tired to think.But since it's my fault that your tired you and rest with me and Emma.After saying that I moved and made room and moved the blanket out of the way.
Chara:Are you being serious about this she looked at me with a light shade of blush.
Y/n:Yes come on I'm not gonna bite you.She then laid down and rested her head in my arm.I then took the other and put the blanket around us and before you know it we're all passed sleeping on the couch.

(A/n:And that's the chapter I promised you guys I hope you don't mind me putting my oc into the book.If you do t want me to put him on the book the I'll just think of something like he moved.Anyways I hope you guys live the chapter and enjoyed it and also on The authors note I went back and addled something let me know if it's there.So that's it my lovely reader peace out.

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