Chapter 2:Recovery part 1

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(A/n:Alright to start off I'm sick so that's something fun to deal with. Second off this might be a shorter chapter and since I am sick I wanna try get this one out for you guys and might get one out tomorrow but that's a maybe.Also I have to get this off my chest but I'm awful at grammar and now you may be asking then why are you writing this story well it's because when I read fanfics for stuff like this I think "well it was a good story but the ark Thor should of done this and not this."plus a lot of people say that I make good stories and I want to attempt to make story's for fun and for people to enjoy.So that's why gonna start making story's on here. Now that's out of the way let's get right into the story.)

Y/n pov
As I started to wake up a look around to see that I was laying in a hospital bed.I look around to see no one else in the room. I couldn't fully remember what happen to put me in a hospital bed but I figured a nurse or doctor would come in soon so I waited.To my surprise I heard a flush noise in the bathroom I turned my head to who it was.It was chara and I guess she didn't see I was awake cause she walked right over to a chair and sat there.I decide that I should get her attention.Hello chara as I said that I guess it scares her cause she jump out of seat and looked at me.

Why the hell did you scare me like that
Said chara
(A/n: you should do this so it would be easier to tell who's talking let me know)
Well it wasn't really my idea to scare you more of just get your attention
Well it doesn't matter when did you wake up.
Just recently why
Well frisk and them wanted to know when you woke up.
After chara said that she pulled her phone out and started to text who I assumed was frisk.
Did you stay over night or did you just get here?
Offered to stay over night since your parents I had to leave for a business trip.
Well that's very nice of you chara thank you.
Your welcome y/n but I have to ask something.
Yeah sure what it is.
Why did you do all that for three people you just met.
Well First off those guy are jackass so I had no problem in fighting them but the main reason why is because well I can tell you guys are good people and to see good people getting hurt is upsetting to see I just couldn't let that happen to you guys.
Your dumbass you know
Yeah I guess am for that but hey at least you guys are somewhat okay.
By the way how is frisk she wasn't hurt to bad.
She okay and in better condition than you.
Well I feel fine and I'm ready to get out of here.
After I said that I slowly got out of bed grab some my clothes and went in to the bathroom and changed into my outfit.
Y/n get back in bed your back is messed up and your wrist plus your in no condition to be waking around.
When she said all of this could tell she was annoyed but I was ready to get out of here and rest at home.
Well chara sorry to tell you but I'm getting out of here and going home.

Your being an idiot right now.

Well am gonna be and idiot who gonna go home and sleep.To be honest it really dose hurt to walk.

Oh and chara your more than welcome to come with me.
I'm going with you to make sure you don't get hurt again since your gonna be such and idiot who almost got him self killed just for people he just met.

I was surprised on how chara said that not what she said but how she said it I could hear how worried she was.
Chara there no need to worry about me I'm fine.

No your not you could have been killed I was worried that you weren't gonna make it.

I turned to see her with watery eyes that were ready to let tears roll down her face.
Chara are you about to cry?

What no I'm not
After saying that she looked away from me.
Well it doesn't matter let's head out shall we.
Yeah let's get out of here.

(A/n: alright guys this is just part 1 and I know this chapter you really didn't get anywhere with recovery but I'm just trying to get this out for you guys. Anyways I hope you liked it peace out.)

The kind of love that kills(female chara x male readerWhere stories live. Discover now