Stanley Imagine

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"Stan? What are you-" his lips captured yours. You pulled away quickly, shocked. "Stanley! What is wrong with you!?"

"It's not but deal Y/N just relax" he mumbled as he pressed his lips against yours once again. You pulled away but he held your arms tightly. "it's not a big deal!" His voice had changed it was high pitched and creepy he forced his lips on top of yours again you slapped him pushing him to the floor. Suddenly His eyes grew wide as looked up at you his eyebrows scrunched.

"Y/n?" He asked you had tears streaming down your face. "Y/n w-why are you crying?" His voice was back to normal, he got up and tried to comfort you, you stepped back and ran out of his house and made your way back to yours.

The next day

I told Bev everything and she told me he must have been on something or some shit like that because Stan wouldn't hurt anyone. You shrugged and felt the hot tears again.

"I-I was so scared," you said she patted your back and ruffled your hair lightly.

"Hey, why don't we...why don't we have a relaxing day all to our selves?" She said smiling.

"Didn't we have plans with the guys," you asked she smiled smugly.

"We'll just ditch 'em, they can live without us. Plus Stan was going to be there and I don't think we want to look for missing kids with him," she giggled. You manged to laugh and give her a hug.

"Thanks, Bev,"

"It's no problem, but let's go to the store to get some chips and candy," she chirped standing up from your bed.

"I needed some Cancer sticks anyways," I remarked (Cancer sticks are cigarettes if you don't know READ THE OUTSIDERS then read my imagines or anybody else's Becasuse FEELS)  you sat up and dragged yourself out the door to the store. You paid for chips and Candy even though Beverly wanted to use her ways to get free stuff, you began to walk out and bummbed right into Eddie therefore knocking everything out of your hands

"Y/n! I'm so sorry l-let me help you." He said, you bent down and helped him.

"Thanks Ed," you said taking the chips from him. He looked up at you scratching his head

"Why didn't you guys come today?" He asked you frowned and looked down at your suddenly interesting shoes.

"We weren't feeling that good," Bev stepped in he nodded, but knew something was up.

"Well uh Stanley is looking for you, he was blabbing about some story that you ran out of his house crying, I don't know..." He stated you ran a hand through your hair and Eddie gasped stepping back pointing at you.

"What?!?" You asked shocked he took your hand and you saw bruises over your wrists. Bev ran to your side

"Did he do this?!?" She shouted You nodded slowly, "you told me, that you told me everything! You didn't tell me he hurt you!" She yelled you flinched you left out the part where he held you tightly because she would flip like she did now...

"Who!" Eddie piped up, his eyes looked concerned. Bev shifted between you and Eddie.

"Stanley, and we are going to confront him!" She stated grabbing your hand. Your face fell and your heart sank.

"No! Please no I-I don't wanna see him," you pleaded but she was determined you held on to Eddie tightly, you were scared. You could just hear that creepy voice in your head, and remember his firm grip on you. You shook the thought away. You reached the barrens the boys were laughing and playing.

"STAN!" Bev's voice boomed throughout, everyone's head snapped towards us, Stanley stood up and rushed to you.

"Y/n!" He yelled making his way towards you, you stepped back behind Eddie, who stood tall, you could tell he was pissed off at Stan. "Y/n?" He took a step towards you and you stepped back again. "Wha- Whats wr-"

"You hurt her man!" Eddie yelled Stan's whole face dropped.

"N-no I didn't, what do you mean?" He stuttered looking worried,Bev lifted your sleeves and his eyes widened. "I...I did...that?" He asked his voice soft as if it could break you. You nodded, he looked down and shoved his hands in his pockets then looked at Bev and Eddie.

"C-Can I talk to her?" He mumbled Bev looked at you with a look that said "it's going to be okay" then nodded and walked off with Eddie. He looked at you his eyes warm. "Y/n-" he stepped closer to you and you flinched his face fell even more. "A-are you scared of me?" His voice was shaky and scared. You looked away nervously.

"Y-yeah..." You whispered.

"Good," he said, your head shot up

"W-what?" You stuttered

"I said good!" He yelled "You fear is what I feed off on! You should be scared!" his voice changed again the same scary high pitched tone as before his eyes they were glowing, glowing... I knew that glow, it was IT's glow. You stumbled back shocked. As he walked closer to you. He got him.... The clown it got Stanley! I looked up trembling I had to save him, I had to. We weren't supposed to look in it's eyes but I did. I stared deep into it's eyes deeper and deeper I wasn't going to fall in his trap not today, not ever. This is now a stare down. I walked closer to him and he stumbled back. My eyes were intense and it's glow was fading. He stood still and I was inches  away from him.

"Get away from him or your ass is grass!" Sbm REFRENCE I yelled Stanley fell back and everything stopped. The glow was gone and he was back, Stanley looked up at you getting drenched from the water.

"Y/n I'm so sorry-" you hugged him tightly he hugged back rubbing circles in your back.

"I-It's okay Stan, it wasn't you. I know it wasn't you," you whispered to him he held you tighter and sighed in relife.

"Thanks for saving me, I-I don't even remember him taking over me,"

"Shhhh, it's okay Stan c'mon let's go," You said pulling away, but he didn't let go. He slipped his arm around your waist as you two walked back to the group, but in the corner of your eyes you saw him. There "IT" stood still watching over you...


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