What makes them nervous

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Billy- Talking to you

"He thrust his f-fist- f-fuck," He repeated this line as he made his way closer to you. You looked up and smiled at him, you knew how nervous he got which made him stutter more. He stopped dead in his tracks looking you in the eye. Then he whipped around waking away from you as if he panicked and left. You quickly made your way towards him, your heart racing. You turned him around.

"Walk me home," You stated, he furrowed his eyebrows. "I want you to walk me home," You linked your arms with his and began to walk. He followed not really knowing what was happening "I like you, C'mon let's get to know each other,"

Richie - Sex jokes

"Oh, it's so wet," Eddie groaned taking his shoe off. It was wet from the barrens. Richie chuckled

"Yeah, like-" He stopped once you glared at him. He looked around for a second then cleared his throat. "Yeah, like.... Uh water," He said awkwardly. Eddie looked up and smirked as he glanced between you and Richie.

"What?" Eddie questioned, you smiled and rolled your eyes. Richie looked down playing with his glasses you laughed and grabbed then placing them on him.

"Water isn't wet Richie,"

Ben - Bill

"So, after school-" Ben was cut off by bill.

"Y-You wanna ha-hang out?" Bill asked quickly. You smiled lightly,

"I actually have plans with Ben, later on, we're are going to the fair," You smiled, Bill nodded. You smiled, "You're more than welcome to come," You giggled, he smiled and nodded. The whole night you and Bill spent laughing as Ben trailed behind. After you felt bad as Ben walked you home.

"Well, I hope you had a good time," Ben said his voice low. You smiled, and took a step closer to him and kissed his cheek grabbing his hand.

"Fair is still open tomorrow," You searched hs Let's go just us,"

Stan - being a smartass

"And then he goes, 'kiss me if I'm wrong, but dinosaurs still exist right?'" You and Bev erupt in laughter Stand scoffs.

"Technically Dinosaurs still do exist," He says. All you guys calling me out when I added this line on my Richie preference. You roll your eyes and look away,

"Can I say one thing without you correcting Uris? Aren't I allowed one thing!?" You shout, he furrows his eyebrows. And looks away, the adrenaline pumped through his veins.

"Oh that's bullshit I let you say a bunch of dumb things!" He tells back. You stand up throwing some dirt from the ground on in his face as he was sitting.

"Bulltrue Asshole!" You stormed away. Stan sat there and sighed, he fucked up... Again

Eddie - Danger

"This is grey water, piss and sh-" You cut Eddie off by putting a hand on his shoulder.

"Don't be that way, Eddie. C'mon let's go!" You took a step and right before your foot hit the water he grabbed your arm tightly.

"No you could slip and fall," he squeaked you rolled your eyes pulling your arm away. Eddie's eyes searched yours quickly and he sighed untying his jacket from his waist and placing it on the ground nearly gagging. "H-Here, uh step on it you won't get your shoes dirty," he took long heavy breathes Stan rolled his eyes. You stepped on his jacket and giggled,

"You're too cute,"

Bev - Her dad

"Hey, why don't I come over to your house?" You questioned her heart began to race and she shook her head she could imagine the scenario perfectly

"Bevie, who's your friend," his deep voice would call into her room, she would introduce her as Y/n her voice shaky and low. Then he'd close the door and lock it both her and Y/n inside and could smell the recking alcohol. He'd sit down on the bed where they both where sitting with their legs tightly crossed slowly he'd rest his hand on Y/n's ankle she'd be frozen with fear as he slowly brought it up.

Bev's eye's shot open you looked at her oddly.

"No! No! Y-You can't please...no...please,"


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