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jjungkook photoshoot today with taetae~ tagged: @.taehyung95
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btslove: #taekook feels rn taehyung95: ur not worthy to call me taetae jjungkook: i feel offended @.taehyung95 taehyung95: lol that's gutting eatjin: quick bickering you two @.taehyung95 namjoonbts: leave the kids alone @.eatjin minyoongs: why am i friends with you all.. jjungkook: because you love us~ @.minyoongs parkchim: he loves me. not you. get you're own boyfriend @.minyoongs minyoongs: @.parkchim <3 jjungkook: go vertically fuck each other someplace else that isn't my comment section @.parkchim @.minyoongs eatjin: jeon jeongguk! language! jjungkook: sorry, eomma.. @.eatjin eatjin: better be! jhopebts: eomma bout to flip his shit @.eatjin eatjin: do you want to get slapped too? @.jhopebts jhopebts: sorry eomma.. @.eatjin taekook: this is why i love bts