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jjungkook i have a really hard time believing he's a top because he got all shy live today ❤️ love you baby tagged: @.taehyung95
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taehyung95: what did i say about calling me baby? love you too ❤️ jjungkook: to not, but i wanted to anyways ❤️ @.taehyung95 jacksonwang: cute. marktuan: agreed @.jacksonwang parkchim: we are the reason for this @.minyoongs taehyung95: me and jungkook got together without your help actually @.parkchim minyoongs: we contributed towards it @.parkchim @.taehyung95 jjungkook: ok, fair enough @minyoongs @.parkchim taekook: i love not breathing because SOME PEOPLE are too cute taehyungjjk: #relatable @.taekook jhopebts: hjshsodnoxh jjungkook:... da fuck ? @.jhopebts eatjin: ohmy jjungkook: shit @.eatjin jjungkook: i meant shitaki mushrooms @.eatjin eatjin: mhm jhopebts: idek ok taehyung95: weird hyungs namjoonbts: agreed jhopebts: i ain't ur hyung wtf u chattin bruh @.namjoonbts namjoonbts: sometimes i rly wanna punch you @.jhopebts