Chapter 5

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I open my eyes and I start to look around I see everything really hazy and then I notice I'm in the hospital

" what happened ? "

My mom rushes in the room

" sweetie hi, how are you ? "

" I'm fine, but what well why am I in the hospital "

" well "

Doctor walks in

" I'll explain later"

" But mom I'm confused "

Roxy's mom walks out

" Alright let's get you checked up that cut was pretty deep "

" Cut? What cut ? "

" you might not remember but you came in late last night with a glass in you leg "

" what how could that happen ?"

" that's what we're trying to figure out, maybe you can tell me ?"

" I'll try but my memory is very hazy right now and my head hurts a lot "

" it alright take you time no pressure here "

" alright thank you "

Few hours later
Claire walks in with tears in her eyes and hugs Roxy

" Claire whats wrong ?"

" you don't remember ? "

" uhh obviously not I just asked you what happened ? "

" well Chace came out of the old saw mill but they still haven't found him because there was so many floors they didn't have enough time to cover them all " " they said they were gonna continue looking tomorrow "

" found who ? "

" Blake, they still haven't found him "

" no please tell me this isn't true, your joking right ? " " this just feels like a bad dream "

" I wish I was I'm sorry I really am but don't worry they'll find him "

" I pray that he's alright "
Starts to cry,
Claire hugs Roxy then Roxy hugs her tighter and continues to cry.

As I try to untie myself I feel a sharp pain in my stomach and when I look down and I put my hand over my stomach to cover then pain, then when I finally untie myself I look at my hand and I see blood, but when I get a good look I see...

" Chace's keychain ? "
" how did this end up here "

I tilt my head down and I jog my memory and I remember that Chace had found me, but then someone came up behind him and knocked him to the ground, then I heard a gun shot I was about to pass out but before then Chace gave me his keychain..

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