I'm a Vampire. He's a Vampire Hunter. So Why Do I Feel This Way About Him? (9)

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#85 on the What's Hot list! Let's get it higher!! :D

P.S. I love it when everybody comments, and if you want sometime different than a vampire story, I can write it. Just give me suggestions.

haha :D

Chapter 9

It was dawn when I finally got home. We had been comparing photos and facts all night, and I was tired.

Braedon had thanked me for the hard work and asked me to get a good day's sleep because he was coming over with the girl we had found two nights ago.

She was a new vampire, and needed proper training, which I could easily do.

Dawn was starting to settle in, the orange hues taking over the east side of the sky. I always thought the sunrise was beautiful, but I couldn't wait too long to watch it.

I sighed and put my purse on the counter and headed to the refrigerator. I noticed that ever since I met Braedon I had been feeding more.

For some reason, he must be stressing me out.

And I haven't felt like this for two-hundred years.

I figured I must be tired if I'm feeling this way. I grabbed a bottle of synthetic blood and drained it down. My senses become a little sharper, but all I could hear was the birds beginning to chirp outside of my house and a few miles away.

Humans were waking up for their workday, while mine was ending.

I closed my drapes so no sunlight was going to get in. I could go out in sunlight, but mostly it was too bright for my strong eyes. Such strong light would make them uncomfortable.

I headed upstairs and changed into some shorts and a tank top. The sun was showing on the curtains as I shut my eyes and thought about nothing and everything at the same time.


I was standing in a field with long grass was rubbing lightly against my knees. I was wearing a long flowing white dress. The sun was out, it was one of the times I actually came outside in the daytime instead of the night.

A sword was attached to my back, with arrows sitting in a holder for them. I was prepared for a battle.

I remember this day clearly. It was a battle in the 1400's, two-hundred years after I was turned into a vampire.

The boy I was with at the time was a soldier preparing to fight, and well, with all the blood that was going to be spilled, how could I resist that?

I was the only woman fighting. I wasn't supposed to be either, he had told me to go home and wait for him to get back. That wasn't an option.

Across the field was a line of men standing there, some had no emotion and some looked scared to death.

A light wind was blowing across my face, making my hair blow into my eyes, which was a good thing considering I hadn't fed in two weeks.

My eyes were already black thinking about the blood I was going to get today.

Next to me was standing my current love interest, Philip. His brown eyes were alight with determination. Standing next to him was his twin brother, John. Philip was watching the men across from us, but John was watching me. His electric blue eyes looking for any sign of fear in my eyes.

I knew he would see none, but he would see the black in them.

The battle was supposed to start at noon, and by the placement of the sun, it would start any minute. The sun made my already pale skin stand out more.

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