A fight that we cant lose

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(Don't play song I till I tell you so)
Your P.O.V~
We ran to the control room then Allura turned to us
Allura: Get in you lions and save us
She looked at me I could tell she was telling me to tell them to do something
Y/n: You heard the princess I'm putting up a gift who's with me
They all cheered and we went to our lions
Shiro: Ready let's do this
We all left the castle and fought the glara
Shiro: Ok from Voltron
Hunk: Umm....how
I looked at my ship I could see what the guys lion sees and I had a health bar for everyone
Shiro: Y/n anything
Y/n: No sorry Shiro nothing
Hunk: Form Voltron
He ran into Keith and Keith ran into me
Y/n: Hey hunk watch it
Hunk: Soory
Y/n: This is why I can't trust most of you guys
White lion: You have to trust them or you can't form
But there scared of me I thought I'm my head
Lance: Hey where being pulled the same Direction
Keith: Lance look up
I looked up we were being pulled to a ship my breathing gets funny for a moment
Keith: Its been a honor flying with you guys
Y/n: No!!!
Keith: Huh?!?!
Y/b: I am not going to be tortured again for another 10 years. I escaped with Shiro to live a Breyer life I'm not going back to my old one now I know you guys are scared of me but right now I trust you with my life so we ether form Voltron and fight by my side or die
Keith: I'll fight
Lance: I'm with you y/n
Pidge: Let's do this
Hunk: Yeah
Shiro: We are with you
Then our lions roared in unison and then we formed Voltron lances and hunks lion formed the feet my lion formed the chest. Keith as Pidges lion formed the arms and Shiro formed the head
Y/n: We did it
Lance: This is awesome
Hunk: I'm a leg!!
Pidge: Nice!!
Shiro: Alright let's do this
We then attacked the ship and destroyed it after we were done we unformed Voltron and went to the castle
Allura: Great job guys
I took my helmet off
Y/n: Yeah nice guys
Keith took his helmet of
Keith: Its cause of your speech and putting your trust in us made it happen
Y/n: It not a big deal I just don't want to go back to being a solider everyone hates
Shiro: Glad your with us
Coran: Well just wait till you have to keep forming Voltron
Lance: What we barely lasted this attack
Coran; I'm mean you'll have to get used to it being the defenders of the universe
Y/n: Defenders of the universe huh?!?!
Shiro & you: That has a nice ring to it
We looked at our lions and now I'm glad in not just seen as a glara solider. We went into the castle I went to my room and took my suit off and looked at the scare I got from the glara
Y/n: Noting a little scratch I'll be fine
Then there was a knock at my door
Y/n: Yeah come in
Shiro walked in
Y/n: Hey Shiro what's up
Shiro: Hey y/n I just want to ask...how where you taken
I looked at him he really wanted to know I mean can keep secrets from the team I took a deep breath
Y/n: When I was 3 dad came home I was a daddy's girl anyway he came back from a war with the cats the live on our planet as well but the glara came that same day and killed my dad right in ground of me. I sore to myself I would kill every glara that ever lived. Years went by I didn't have many friends and I alway trained myself after my dad died my family became poor so my older brother worked so I didn't see him a lot one day I had a fight with my mom I was 12 years old at the time and I protected my family form the glara soldiers and they took me instead
I tried not to cry but a tear fell down my face Shiro hugged me
Shiro: So that's why the white lion chose you. You put the people you love before yourself
Y/n: Shiro you should get some sleep
Shiro: What about you
Y/n: I'll hit the hay in a minute I'm used to staying up anyway
Shiro left my room and I just held my head
Y/n: Why...why can't I lie to him....
( Now play the song Irony sang by Lizz Robinett)
I fell that walking has become another chore I don't think I can go walking anymore. Forgive me for Those.words, I know there a cliche to you but life is tiring, my feet are felling sore. *i sit up and thought about my family*
I wished I had a bit of time to heal the ache that's growing stronger all the time but I know times stops for nobody, let alone me,and so I go inevitably* I stand up and look at myself in the mirror*
When things are going rather happily it turn out life is just playing a trick on me.
It slightly shameful to admit the truth that I end up and tears and return the same old melancholy. I miss when life was implicitly,
And misery wasn't chasing after me.* I thought of Rowan *
It's pretty obvious now..I should've left my regret but I held on it so foolishly* I grabbed a knife*
Maybe I overreact a bit? I hasn't destroyed me test has it? But everything I desire is just to far to get* I stuck my hand out hoping someone to grab it*
Honestly it's just me brainlessly, so silly always hoping for good to be* I put my hand by me and the got the knife *
If that's the case then just hear my plea
* I put the knife on my arm *
Pick me up...
And drop me into unfaltering sleep...
*i cut my arm not where my veins were*
You say to look for a solution. But that would depend on the person? So I could never,no I could never believe a word anyone says. I know that everyone has there hardships. It's fairly clear to me that I'm not alone * I look at my arm blood is coming out fast*
But how could thy just leave them, I just don't know at all...
Often I'm told to clean up my act, although maturity is something I lack. And so when some smile little problems arise. I over think then over and over aging. It's seems like the world is just a troublesome place. Sometimes I think I should just end the pain
* I cut my arm again *
You sick aren't you dear. I'm sick of the tears. Why can't everything just end simply?
Everything I aspired to be is noting that will become of me. If my explanation are just to far-fetched, then what am I to do?   
Give a sign,give a sign, a reason not to die Give me a chance to prove my worth
* I look at my arm it's covered I'm blood *
I constantly search for a place to cry why wont these tears stop poring from my eyes.
It's hard to constantly think of the same things. It's just unnecessary to think too much. You always told me stories that hide me back home, although they only show at night. You always showed me so much kindness I don't deserve it I failed you too much. I think my tiny heart is going To spilt just leave it be for now.
* I hold the knife to my arm near my veins threw Shiro opens the door and looks at me with a worried look I start to cry why did he come in now he took a couple steps towards me I pushed the knife in further he stoped*
Step back from... me please leave me be....This  so-deceitful road that I stumble on it's never going to end ...
*shiro take another step closer I heard foot steps down the hall*
It's getting difficult to maneuver and it's just worthless to try and run away so I'll just hold my hands over my head a block all this noise* the guys Allura and Coran stand behind Shiro*
How can I live knowing what life is? Sometimes my dreams to be more realistic
Obviously I can't be called happy then what am I after all..?
* I fall to my knees crying I drop the knife and Shiro wraps his arms around me and let's me just cry*
( end of song)
I cried why couldn't I do it the Shiro tights his grip around me
Shiro: Don't think like that. I'm glad I made it in time 
Y/n: I'm sorry Shiro I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry
Shiro: Shhhhh... I know I got you I got you your safe with me

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