A black paldin and a new Voltron

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Your P.O.V~
Allura: What's the plan
Y/n: Ok I need a black paladin we need a bigger Voltron to scare all the glara
Keith: Where are we going to find a paladin to replace Shiro
Y/n: Look Keith Shiro told me if me and him where gone you would take his place
Keith: What I can't do that
Y/n: Keith I know you can't replace Shiro but we need at team Keith so go see if the black lion will wake up to you
He sighed
Keith: I hate when you convince me to do things
Lance: Wait why dose he get to
Y/n: Lance Shut up
Allura: Good luck Keith
He walked out and pidge put her hand in my shoulder
Pidge: Your doing great
Lance: Yeah I'm glad Shiro wanted you to be leader
Y/n: Now now just cause he's gone doesn't mean you get to pity me
Then we heard a roar it was the black lion I ran tithe hanger and hugged Keith
Y/n: You did it
Keith: Yeah I did
I let go off him his face didn't seem happy
Y/b: Keith what's wrong
Keith: Don't give me that look I know you want Shiro here it's just hard for you to expect that I know I'm not Shiro
Y/n: So your apart of this team Shiro would want you to listen to me
Lance: If  Shiro and Y/b are ok with this I am to it was the lions wants for the team
Allura: Y/n our allies are being attacked
Y/n: Alright team lets go
I went to my lion and she purred
Y/n: Its good to see you too
Then I was off but I only counted 5 loins
Y/n: Where's lance
Lance: Blue won't wake up to me
Keith: Well find it what's up and catch up
Y/b: Keith but we need him
Keith: We'll still be a loin short
Y/n: Alright come on team let's go
We flew our loins the planet and I shot a ship then we heard Lotor voice
Lotor: Paladins of Voltron I'm Lotor all I want is my sister
Y/n: Nope
I shot his ship
Pidge: Y/n plan
Y/n: Working on it I mean where two lions down
Lance: Well not two
I saw the red lion
Y/n: Well drive the ships away form the  planet we need to protect it I'll stop Lotor
I shot his ship but then I saw shot by another ship
Y/n: Dang it
Keith: I gotcha ya
Y/n: Thx Keith
Pidge: Y/n we need Voltron
Y/n: Were a lion short
Allura: Not any more
Then I saw blue and I was excited
Y/n: Now where talking now lets-
Pidge: There retreating
Y/n: Alright lets go back
We turned around but Lotor won't be getting me anytime soon this is I fight Sister vs Brother and I know I will win this battle we made it back I I remembered I put a tracker on Lotor I wanted to kill him I don't want him to destroy my world that me and Shiro built together I grabbed my bayard and went to my loin and took off what I did know was Keith was doing the sane thing
Keith: I got your back
Y/n: Thx
Allura: Y/n Keith what are you doing
Y/n: I put a tracker on Lotor if he wants a fight I'll give him one get the rest of the team
Keith: Y/n
Y/n: Yeah
Keith: I know your the leader but what is it and this Lotte guy why is he important
Y/n: Well of m Zarkons daughter I was older than Lotor so i was the next ruler if he died or when I came off age we and if I disappeared Lotor would take my place
Keith: So zarkons has a son
Y/n: Yeah
Keith: Well your call
Then the rest of the team arrived and we were trailing Lotor
Y/n: Hunk how many life forms
Hunk: Not many
Pidge: It's like a small flight crew
Y/n: Keep on there tail
Then Lotor fighter ship came out and I shot it but miss
Y/n: Damn it everyone shot him down-
Then Allura ran into me
Y/n: Allura!!!
Allura: Sorry this loin won't obey me
The Lotor shot me
Y/n: I'm going to kill him
We kept trying to shot him down but we where hiring each other in the process
Y/n: That's is let's form Voltron fly in formation
We did but I was where the black lion usually was but we didn't form Voltron
Y/n: Come on come on
Pidge: Y/b it's not going to work
I then saw Lotor and I stopped and shit him but missed I then chased after him the team followed slowly behind me I looked at my left hand where my robot hand was and it made me thought of Shiro I can't fail no I can't we followed him into this weird planet
Pidge: Y/n in picking up weird singles
Y/n: Well then stay close
Hunk: Arggggg
Allura: Sorry hunk
Hunk: Look Y/n we should go back not all of us are used to our loins
Y/n: Well stay close then I need to destroy him before he dose something worse
Lance: Y/n are systems are down
I didn't respond
Hunk: Y/b we know your not Shiro but
Y/n: I'm sorry I'm not a great leader like Shiro but just drop it I'm doin the best I can if you don't like that then Keith can lead
I flew off and ran into Lotors friends ship the guy my lion then I knew everything was over the walked my lion I turned around and they stopped and bowed there heads
??: Were sorry my lady we didn't know it was you
Y/n: Your fine just take me as prisoner
??: But Voltron
Y/n: Lotor came for what he wanted he had it now
??: Alright put hand cutters on her
They did and took me out of my lion
Y/n: Send my lion out they need to know I'm dead
??: But-
Y/n: In helping you guys till I find Shiro
??: Got it
Lotor then sees me
Lotor: Well well you come to take your place
Y/n: No whatever you did to Shiro do the same to to me
He froze
Lotor: But
Y/n: Just do it
Lotor: Alright as you wish....
They took me back and then I was put in this weird prisoner clothing then put in this weird tube thing then pink water was around my body I looked to my left and saw Shiro I then look straight and closed my eye then it felt like life went still
Keith's P.O.V-
Lance: Keith y/bs loins
We found the white loon we flew to it but it looked lifeless
Rowen: No she gone
I can't believe I let another of our team members go again I felt a tear fall down my face
Pidge: You don't think she
Keith: Let's take the loin and go back
Lance: But what if y/n is still out here
Keith: Look we've lost Shiro and y/n in a month we need to look for them but we have other missions to do
Pidge: We'll all miss y/n
She gone I can't believe there both gone I can't go on like this I just can't

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