Y/n are you ok

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Shiros P.O.V-
I woke up to the sound of rowen crying I looked at him he had his hands on his head
Shiro: Rowen what's wrong
Rowen: Y/n left last night we don't know where she is
Shiro: What we need to find her can you sit in her seat
Rowen: What dose she do
Shiro: She help decode message and makes sure all the castle systems work and then health for Allura
Rowen: Yeah that seems easy btw did you now she's good with knowing how to hack into technology I'm sure she's she's been with the glara for so long she can do that
Shiro: Noted come on let's go
We ran to the control room and I started barking orders
Shiro: Coran give me the time y/n left.Pidge look for any message form anyone to see if they know where she is. Rowen give me her health  
lance: What going on
Rowen: Y/n left last night and we don't know when or where she is
Coran: She left around dawn in earth time
Rowen: She alive but it says she's hurt
Pidge: I got a massage
Shiro: Rowen decode it
Rowen: On it
Lance: Allura and Keith are one
Great that's 3 people missing
Coran: They escaped with a pod and y/n left with her lion and i haven't put a tracker on hers yet
Shiro: Contact the pod
Coran did
Shiro: Keith Allura where are you
Keith: Where we should be far away from the castle
Shiro: You too
Allura: What do you mean
Rowen: My sister is gone cause of lance
Lance: Hey don't blame it on me
Shiro: Guys focus
Then we lost then
Rowen: Damn it
Shiro: Well I see where she gets the cussing from
Rowen: No she got it from our dad
Then the massage appeared on screen
Rowen: Thx Pidge for the help
Pidge: Welcome
The massage said
Paladins of Voltron
We need your help. A glara felt took everything from us. One of your paladins tried to help but was badly injured and were taking care of her. Can you please come down and save us
Rowen: Here Coran the location of the ship
Shiro: Let's go I don't know how much they can help her we need to her
Coran: Alright let's go
We were off I hope y/n is ok and I hope she's alive
Your P.O.V~
A glara soldier tried to take the turgians stuff I managed to stoped it with a twisted ankle after I finshed him off the turgians walked up to me and started to thank me
Y/n: Oh, it's nothing just doing my job as a paladin
??; I've never seen those moves with a fan before
Y/n: Oh, I don't think anyone has seen them
Then the ground shook
Y/n: You guys sure you contacted them
??: Yes
Y/n: Hold on
I ran to my lion and turned everything on to see if I can talk to the guys
Y/n: Hello
Shiro: Y/n are you ok
Y/n: Yeah are you guys coming   
Shiro: Yeah well were a lion short
Y/n: Great let me guess Keith and Allura
Shiro: How do you know
Y/n: I watched the pod leave
Rowen: She is a smart cookie
Y/n: You guys need to hurry I already stoped one fleet I don't want another one coming
Shiro: Got it be right there
Y/n: See you soon space babe
I hanged up and walked to the Turjains
Y/n: There on there way I promise you have my word
??: Hey aren't you that girl that Zarkon wants in return freedom for there kind
Y/n: Yeah but I'm a paladin of Voltron so I'm sure you little cuties-
Then I was hand coded by and robot
Y/n: Hey handsome
I step on his foot
Y/n: It's rude to touch a girl like that
I kick him away from me and took the hand cuffs of
Y/n: Now no guys who touch girls like guy gets away with it in my book
I grabbed my bayard out and got in my fighting stance and attacked the guy I destroyed him with one swipe of my fan and he was gone then I saw the black lion
Y/n: Shiro
The lions came down and Shiro came out I ran up to him and hugged him
Shiro: Don't you ever leave again
Y/n: No promises
Then Shiro let go of me and shook the turjains hand
Shiro: Thank you for helping out y/n
??: No we need to thank  her with out her we would still be alive
Y/n: Don't mention it
Then he looked around at the lions
??: Where is the red lion my people would feel more safe with all 6 lions
Shiro & you: Noted
Y/n: Alright there's another felt so ill calm the turjains inside while you guys do what ever you can to help the ship
Lance: Uh, why
Rowen: This planet is dying and so there a volcanic like acid underneath
Lance: Wow you sound just like Pidge
Rowen: Listen I just paid attention in my classes unlike you who nows nothing
Y/n: Lady's lady's your both pretty now let's get to work
I ran inside the ship
Y/n: Attention all turjains Voltron is here to help you
They all cheered then I saw a glara soldier
Y/n: alright we'll dance
I got by bayard out and got in my fighting stance
??: Awww what are you going to do dance for me
Y/n: If that's what you want to call it
He then came at me then everything went in slow motion I saw him and I started to dance but to the turjaons it looked like fighting after I was done I stoped and everything went back to normal then the glara soldier fell and I smiled
??: Whoa your really fast with your attacks
Y/n: Thx just doing my- rocks
I pointed at the rocks then Lance and Pidge shot them down
Shiro: Be careful guys
Then the ship shook
Y/n: Crap
Shiro: Hunk how long can you hold up
Hunk: Not for long
Then I felt the ship being lifted up more
Hunk: Tiger claws oh now where talking
Then he pushed the ship then later started to fire
Y/n: Guys we need Voltron I'm joining you guys
Shiro: What no
I was already in my lion and I shot the ship
Y/n: Alright guys let's form Voltron
The. We formed Voltron
Shiro: Alright y/n this is your mission as leader what do our want to do
Y/n: Form sword
We formed the  sword
Y/n: Crap its not big enough
Keith: Hey do you guys fell that
Lance: Yeah
Pidge: Same
Y/n: I do do let's just do it
I put my bayard in and then the sword become bigger
Y/n: Alright let's attack that ship
Then we destroyed the ship
Y/n: Yes
Shiro: Great job
Y/n: That's was actually really hard I'm glad I'm not you Shiro
Shiro: Well you did great
Y/n: Well I better help the turjains 
We unformed Voltron and I went to the turjains
??: Thank you so much we should be able to be fine now
Y/n: You sure I'll be happy to help
??: Yes thank you so much white paladin
I smiled and walked away then rowen got on my lion
Rowen: Shiro told me this is the second mission you took care of
Y/n: Well Shiro needs a break form town and time again but after we defeat Zarkon I'm going to join the blade of molora
Rowen: You sure what if something happens
Y/n: Then they can get me and I'll help them
Rowen: Well in staying with Voltron to help out
Y/n: Rowen just be careful I don't want some else I love die you all I have left
Rowen: I'm sorry mom did die but not by glara
I looked at him we stoped in mid space
Shiro: Y/n-
I turned off my comitacter
Y/n: What happened
Rowen: After you left she couldn't think of anything else but your safety so a couple months later I walk in the house after leaving work and she's on the ground with blood around her stomach and a knife
I started to cry
Y/n: I'm sorry she would be dead if I didn't defend you or tried to escape
I cried then I felt rowen hug me I hugged back
Rowen: Its not you I should've stayed with her and help her get over it
Y/n: Don't say that she would be dead if I wasn't like the way I am I'm so sorry
Rowen: Hey look at me
I looked at him
Rowen: You are smart amazing and beautiful I'm glad to have a sister like you
I smiled
Y/n: I'm just glad your still alive
Rowen: Let's get back shiros probably wondering what's up
We flew back to the ship and I went to my room
Y/n: Mom I love you I wish you where here
Then Shiro walked in
Shiro: Rowen told me what he told you
Y/n: I'm fine
He hugs me I hug him back
Y/n: I'm sorry a lot is hitting me at once
Shiro: That's why I'm here
Y/n: I just don't want you or rowen dying your the only family I have left
Shiro; I don't plan on to
Then I kissed him and he kissed back then I pulled away
Y/n: Please do me a favor and stick up for me I haven't had anyone do that in a long time
Shiro: I will and I will protect you
Y/n: I love you space babe
Shiro: Love you too Wolfe

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