Infiltrating a glara ship

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Your P.O.V~
Shiro: Wow that weird
Y/n: Yeah it was like I could've turned into a ink beast
Shiro: Well at least your ok
Y/n: Yeah well let's see what we got from Sendak
I walked of and then saw Pidge working on it
Pidge: Y/n can you see what this is
I looked it was just landing times to ships with something real powerful that Hargar told me about
Y/n: We have to go
Allura: What
Y/n: Pidge send that to Allura we need to get there
Shiro: Why
Y/n: It's time ships are landing
Lance: And what in the ships
Y/n: Something I can't talk about it just something I don't want to remember
The used to out that stuff in me that's why I'm strong like this but I burned really bad I don't want to go back to that again
Y/n: Let's go you guys don't have any idea how important this stuff is
Then we were off well looks like I'm in charge of this mission
Y/n: Ok there only on way in but I think we can do it. We'll take the green lion cause it can cannfloge. The well go into the control center and see if we can get anything from it
Shiro: What about the stuff in the ship
Y/n: I'm bough after it I know where they put this stuff so I'll go alone
Shiro: What that's insane
Y/n: Look I'm not as important as you guys and plus if it dose fall on me I can handle it
Shiro looked even more angry
Y/n: Plus one life is better than losing a whole planets life
Shiro: Still you don't need to do this
Y/n: Yes I do you don't know what it even is
Pidge: Guys chill
Y/n: I'm going with my plan I'll take myself then you guy find another way in then
I walked out I made me new amor it covers my face so no one can see me and no V for Voltron so no one knows I work with Voltron
Y/n: Let's do this
I took a ship and went off Shiro showed up on my screen
Shiro: Y/n you don't have to do this
Y/n: Sorry but I can't sit here and do nothing
Keith: Y/n your going crazy
Y/n: And you are a hot head
Allura: Come back that's a order
Y/n: Sorry princess but I don't take orders from you
Shiro: Then its a order from me
Y/n: Fine shows how much trust you guys have in me I'll see you on the other side of the war
I then singed out
Y/n: And I fell in love with Shiro guess he can't trust a alien like me
Then I went trough somewhere and saw Hargar
Y/n: Nice to see you mother
I said to myself they could never know I'm actually half glara they kill me well let's she if mom would like a vist from me
Shiros P.O.V~
Shiro: Come on we'll go with her plan
Allura: I'll come with you
Shiro: Look I don't want to drag you in this mess I got me and y/b too
Allura: I'm going now let's go
We all pilled into the green lion and then we got in the control room and destroyed the glara soldiers in there
Shiro: Pidge see if you can get any info
Then we got a message for the control room
Pidge: Warning a samurai is on the ship be ready o kill them in site
Lance: Great I bet there here for the same thing as us
Shiro: Get down
The glara where waiting for a single hunk gave then a single and then it went away
Pidge: Look its the samurai
Keith: Its leaving one of the ships maybe
maybe they ran into y/n but there good with there sword
Shiro: Well I'll go in the ship see if she's there
Allura: Ok I'll come with
Shiro: Look this is my fault plus how are you going to
Allura: I'm just going to walk in
She changed into a glara
Lance: Wow
I didn't listen to anything to else I just need to know if y/n is ok
Pidge: How are you going to get Shiro in
She then put the armor of the glara soldier on and put me and a crate and walked to the front door
Keith's P.O.V-
I saw them carry stuff of the ship y/n would probably be there. I started walking towards the door
Pidge: Where are you going
Keith: It looks like the stuff y/n was talking about is going some where so I'm going to go follow it
I started walking out
Lance: Keith get back here don't you dare leave
I left
I saw the samurai they where going the same way as me then they went trough the top of the building and I went trough the door
Your P.O.V~
I see Keith so I went trough the top of the place and hanged on the ceiling. Then I saw Keith great this can't get any worse
Keith: Guys the samurai is where I am
Pidge: Well keep a look out
I rolled my eye
Keith: Look at this
Coran: Where did they get that qentrsuitens ( sorry if it's spelled wrong)
Then I saw Hargar crap Keith you need to leave
Keith: I'm going to steal some
Great know he's going to die well let's get ready.
Keith: Ok she's not looking let's do this
He grabbed some then Hargar disappeared then she appeared in front of him I got down and stoped the attack.
Y/n: (in deep voice) Step away mother
My voice is like hat so none of the boy would know who I am
Hargar: Well looks like you've returned
I kicked her face but she disappeared I grabbed my sword and came at her
Hargar: You gotten better you should've stayed with us
Y/n: Well should've thought about that before you about killed me
Then Keith got in the way and I pushed him out of the way and fell into on to a shelf and my mask came off my face
Keith's P.O.V-
The samurais mask came off it was a girl. Then Hargar picked her up with lightning it was y/n
Hargar: Well love your amor but you know you can't kill me even if you tried
Keith: put her down
Hargar then threw her into me
Y/n: Keith tell Pidge to pick you up
Keith: But you
Y/n: Listen I need to stall her know do it
Keith: Pidge I need you to bring you lion here
Y/n put her helmet up
Y/n: Tell anyone about Hargar being my mother while I was in there or me being the samurai I will kill you
Keith: Don't worry I won't
Then she attacked Hargar ten the lion came in
Keith: Come on
I held my hand out I wasn't going to leave Her then she kicked me into the ship
Keith: No
Your P.O.V~
I kicked Keith then I turned to Hargar
Y/n: Let's Shiro and Allura go and I'll stay
Hargar: Deal
I walked back to the ship and I saw the green lion I turned my communicator on so I could hear them
Pidge: Well Keith looks like you could trust the samurai
Keith: But they protected me from Hargar
Pidge: Then if they know Hargar and used to go there they're a glara
She was right I was a glara I was glad I had some of the blood put into mine that's why I'm great at combat
Pidge: Shiro Allura any luck
I'm guessing they just walked into He lion
Shiro: No worry
Keith now you can
Keith: Well I did
Pidge: Really where
Keith: She the samurai
Shiro: She was right here this whole time
Keith: Yeah know she going with Hargar
Y/n: That's what she thinks
I then ran from Hargar while she wasn't looking but she grabbed me
Hargar: I know you too well let's get you to my special room you need a grave punishment
Shiro: Y/n!!!
Then took me inside I said to the guys
Y/n: I told you guy I'll see you in the other side of the war

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