Some...Assembly Required

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Your P.O.V~
After what happens last night you were fast asleep Shiro bandage your arm and you went to sleep you were dreaming about your family you were happy the. You heard alarms go off
Allura: We are under attack we need Voltron
I grabbed my bayard and raced to the control room I was the first one I had my fan out and ready
Coran: Oh no Allura just lost her head
Then Shiro showed up then Keith Pidge and hunk
Coran: Yes princess
Allura: Its over
Then Shiro looked at my arm
Allura: You guys took too long at Lear y/n has her bayard out and ready to fight and Shiro is in his suit. Keith, Pidge, and hunk were are your bayards and where's lance!!!
Lance: Good morning everybody
Allura: Today is your first day of training you failed your first task now go get in your suits and met Coran in the training room.
We walked off Shiro then looked at my arm again
Shiro: How are you holding up
Y/n: I'm good I'll be fine
Shiro: Good I'll see you soon
I walked into my room and got my suit one it was a little tight but it's fine as long as I can fight in it I'm good I walked to the training room I was the last in there
Coran: Alright now go to your lions
Y/n: We cane here for nothing
My ear twitch in irritation
Coran: Sorry but go
We walked to our doors shiros is next to mine and we get in our lions everyone but hunk was out
Lance: Umm... should I go get him
Hunk: Sorry I'm late
Y/n: Now all we need to do I form Voltron
Shiro: Ok let's go in the air and fly together in till we form Voltron
All: Yeah!!!
All: Yeah!!!
All: Yeah...
Hunk: I the only day this
Y/n: This isn't getting us any where
Shiro: Y/n don't lose your cool
Y/n: Well like we're fucking transforming
Shiro: Y/n there's children around
Lance: Hey!!
Allura: Well you guys formed Voltron when you were under attack
Y/n: Well yeah
Allura: I have to see if the castle defense work so
Then the castle started to shot at us
Y/n: Allura what the hell
Hunk: Spare us
Allura: You really think Zarkon will spare you
Lance: Screw this I'm going back to the castle
He tried but got shot
Y/n: Remind me to kill Allura later
Shiro: zNoted
Then. The defense stop and we went inside
Lance: So y/n how are you
Y/n: Sorry Lancelot but I don't feel like talking
Lance: Why
Y/n: Look I need to focus ok
Lance then backed away
Allura: what are you doing in here you should be training
Y/n: look the defense things turned off and so we flew in
Shiro: Come on guys we need to train
Y/n: I'm ready Shiro
Shiro: I know you are
Lance: How are you used to this y/b
I glared at him
Lance: Oh- right
Allura: Go to the training room
We walked to the training room and then Coran sat there
Coran: Let's try this
I was out in a maze
Coran: You can't see the maze so trust your partner
Y/n: Ok who is it
Hunk: Take two steps forward then 3 to the left
I did what he said and I made it out without getting shocked then we went to our lions and we were in the air
Coran: Ok Thai shouldn't be done will you guys had a year of fly experience but we aren n a bit of a rush
Then I could see anything
Y/n: Coran what the fuck I need to see a-
Shiro: Y/n
Coran: Go into a full nose dive
We all did
Coran: Now you must pull up before you crash feel what your lions feels
Hunk: Mine fells scared
Hunk pulled up
Lance: Keith you still going
Keith: Yes
Y/n: Ladies please I can last longer than you guy
I went as far as I could lance and Keith followed after me
Lance: The ground must be close
Y/n: Yep
Then we crashed
Keith: I won....
Y/n: In your dreams mullet...ow
We then had these weird things put in our head
Coran: Now clear you minds and think of your lion
I could only think of my dad
Keith: Pidge Stop think about your girlfriend
Pidge: I'm not the only one off task
Y/n: Shut up
Coran: Clear you minds!!?
I did but as We brought our lions to the middle but I thought of my dad
Shiro: Y/n!!!
Y/n: Ah I'm done with this shit looked I don't like you guys looking through my head
Shiro: I think we should take a break
Coran brought us water and we sat in a circle
Coran: You have been working hard I think you guys need this
Allura: What are you doing siting around
Y/n: Were taking a break got a problem
Allura: Yes get up its time you face the gladiator
We got my other weapons and put them on my suit just in case I had my fan out and I was ready so where the others
Coran: To defeat the gladiator all paladins must fight as one
Y/n: Ok easy I already beat on by myself this should be easy
Then it came down hunk tried to shot it but missed and got hit then Pidge attacked it but failed lance tried to but lost his gun then Keith tried to help but failed Shiro attacke it Bit stoped I got in front of him protecting him
Y/n: Shiro are you ok
I pushed the gladiator into Keith oops i then dodged the attack the Shiro got hit it was just me
I got in a fighting stance and attacked it
Y/n: Arg!!!!!!
I then finshed it with a knew move I taught myself and I sliced her t in half
Y/n: That was easy to easy
Allura: Great job y/n
Y/n: Thx I faced worse-
Then I felt pain in my arm that I had cut
Shiro: You ok
Y/n: Yeah I'm fine
Shiro: Great job
Y/n: Thx just doing my job
Then we took a break

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