Ventilation💭 🍃

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They say showers are meant for cleansing.
But washing your body doesn't take away 100% of the germs.
Your sins and fears are there still waiting to be burned.
Several missed calls still waiting to be returned.
But my eyes are closed.
And the water runs from my face, all the the way down to my toes.
My thoughts began to race,
But I can't breathe through my nose.
Or my mouth, so I suffocate.
I never really understood how this works, so I concentrate.
Tell me that I'm thinking way to hard to make me ventilate.
Every now again I panic and hyperventilate, through my soul fear penetrates.
Though, this is just a shower.
I have to do this shit all over again in the next 24 hours.

..Call me Mellow..
... Thoughts of a Last King🤴🏾

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