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Standing outside of Wade's house, you felt like it had been another life since you had been in that very spot, and in all reality, it was. Thoughts like this were fleeting at times, but it was true; this was a new life that you had been given and you couldn't get yourself to come to that realization. On the other side of the old and weathered door would be the man who had given the life back to you, and according to Tony, it was best to not even bring it up. After Wade had fled the compound the night before, you began to wonder if he would even want to talk to you at all. Deciding that there was only one way to find out, you held your breath and knocked.

The stumbling footsteps didn't belong to him, as normally he didn't want anyone to know if he was there and would sneak up to the peephole to see if he wanted to answer the door or not. Al, on the other hand, didn't have a choice but to make herself known when Wade left his stuff just lying around everywhere for her to trip over.

"Aw, son of a bitch, what the...Wade! What the fuck did I just step in?" you heard her yell as she approached. You stifled a laugh when you thought of all of the possibilities, knowing that a he had likely left a few things in her path on purpose; their love-hate relationship was nothing if not entertaining. But then when the door finally opened, and Al came into view, you jumped forward in pure shock at what she was holding.

It was the Infinity Gauntlet, it's five remaining stones glowing to light the house around her.

"Al, I'll take that," you commanded, pulling it from her grip. "Wade really shouldn't leave stuff like that just anywhere."

"Oh, hey, (Y/N)," she smiled at the sound of your voice, "what brings you here, sweetie?"

"Actually, I just got what I needed. Wade was holding onto this for me, but turns out I needed it back."

"Hey, love, fine by me," she waved dismissively, "I've tripped over that goddamned thing at least twenty times already today. What the hell is it, anyway?"

"'s uh...well..."

"It's not hers to take," Wade snapped, pushing the door fully open to stand next to Al, glaring at you as he finished his morning cereal. He was mad, but not mad enough to put his bowl down before unleashing the anger on you. "Give it to me, (Y/N)."

"Excuse me? Not mine to take? How about it's not yours to keep?"

"How do you figure?" he argued readily. "I was the one who used that gaudy monstrosity to save your ass and all of your Avenger buddies. I think I should get to have a little souvenir, don't you? Now give me it, or I'll take it from you, Rogers."

"R-Rogers?" you stumbled, taking a step back with a grip tightening over the Gauntlet. "Wade, what's going on? Are you okay?"

"Oh, I'm just fucking amaaaazing! Never better!" He took a step forward to match yours taken back, tossing his half-eaten bowl of cereal out onto the front lawn, splattering its contents and breaking the bowl in half. "Fucking around with the laws of the universe has done wonders for my sleep! And do you know what's the best part of all, (Y/N)? Do ya?!" With every few words, he was taking another step closer, pushing you back and away.

"I don't want to fight you, Wade."

"The best part," he continued, as if you had said nothing, "is that I got to see your dead body, all twisted up and busted and bent like I didn't think you could do, even when you were younger and more flexible. You were wearing a really nice shade of blue around those perfect goddamn lips of yours. Seeing your old man lose his shit and begging for you to be alive really just makes for some vivid fucking nightmares, you know that? OH!" he clapped, his eyes now wider and a little bit crazy, "I forgot all about what a mind-fuck it was to see your two boys, who started calling me Uncle Wade just in time to die. Yeah, I tell ya, (Y/N), I'm sleeping like a drunk baby sucking off a tit full of Jack Daniels. Now, give me the damn thing."

I Thought You Were Different: Part 5Where stories live. Discover now