[ adventurous / bakugou katsuki x reader ]

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oneshot: bakugou katsuki x reader

notes: im going 2 eat my hands i love bakugou contest prize for imukuin have fun

word count: 526


Bakugou laid on his bed, playing his phone, when the door to his room opened. He raised an eyebrow as a scowl crossed his face, "What do you fuckin' want?"

Friends coming in and out of his dorm was a daily occurrence, he could never guess who'd it'd be next. It could be Kirishima, begging for help on the English homework, or Kaminari who wanted to ask him if he wanted to train together, or perhaps Mina crawling in on her knees, asking him, the almighty cooking god, help for baking a simple cake.

This time though, Bakugou spotted your obviously disdained form waddle into his room. You spared him no response, opting to just fall on top of him instead in misery. Your head laid facedown into the crook of his neck as your body splayed diagonally on his chest. He yelled from the impact, opening his mouth to let out a snarky remark and to yell but was cut off by a tired sigh.

"Babe," You mumbled, head falling into his blanket. He began to stroke his fingers through your soft hair, sensing your anger and irritation, "What the fuck is up with you?" You let out a loud groan, "Men being fools; just wanted to hang at the pool with the girls, but nasty men always have to fuck everything up."

Bakugou continued to play his phone, one hand brushing through your hair and the other swiping the screen, as you complained about what happened.

"Me and the girls were hanging out at the mall, you know, doing our thing for weekly girls' day out—even the girls from 1-B were with us! Then these villains showed up, so of course we took them out like the super cool badasses we are, then these super gross fanboys tried to hit on us and started harassing us so badly that we had to leave early!" You cried, outraged, "I'm pretty sure they want us to fill out a police report too. . ."

He could hear the dejection in your voice, and damn did it hurt his heart. Sure, he didn't seem like he cared in the slightest, but hearing your disappointment was enough to make him scowl.

"Get your lazy ass up," Bakugou demanded, rolling your body off of him. "Where are we going?!" You questioned, as he threw on a sweater, it was getting chilly after all. "Out," He answered vaguely, checking his phone for the time.

He tossed a sweater to you, you picked it up to see the words "King of Explodo-Kills". You stifled a laugh, "You actually bought this?" Bakugou had been changing into a pair of longer pants, "Shut up, Kirishima and Mina gave it to me. Dumb fuckers wouldn't accept no."

You changed into the sweater, smelling the familiar smell of smoke that emitted from the King of Explodo-Kills. Bakugou's hand slid into yours almost perfectly, "Let's get going, fuckmunch," He mumbled. You smiled, the warmth from his hand in your own already brightening your day. "Yeah, let's go," You agreed, following wherever he would lead you.

Anywhere with Bakugou was an adventure, an adventure you wanted to go on.

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