Chapter Sixteen

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"That'll be three hundred and fifty-four dollars please." The cashier yells Raven and she begins to rummage through her wallet. She pulls out a blue credit card and I wait patiently as the inserts the chip. "You're all set you two ladies have a great day." She smiles at us and I give her one back. Raven just nods, grabs her bag and begins her way out of the store.
"So... Hows Elijah doing?" I ask after a moment of silence and she looks over at me.
"He's doing great." She smiles. "He'd told me we should have a girls day so I thought, let's go shopping." She sags and I laugh. "Are you considering the threesome he's asked you about?" She asks as we take a seat at a nearby table in the food court. I blush and push my hair behind my ear.
"I-I guess so... if you're alright with it..." I say and she lets her eyes travel over me for a moment.
"Yeah... I'm perfectly fine with it." She smiles before grazing over the food court. "What do you want to eat?" She asks and I shrug.
"Doesn't really matter to me. I'm a good person, I'll eat anything." I giggle and she laughs lightly.

"Here, let's get some Mexican." She says and I nod. We stand from our seats and head over to a Mexican food bar. After we've gathered our food and paid we take a seat once again. "So... are you interested in anyone at the moment?" She asks, swirling her straw around her cup. Shaking my head I take a sip of my lemonade.
"No, focused on my art work at the moment." I say and she chuckles. I furrow my brows before I open my mouth to speak. Her phone cuts me off so I slump back into my chair and look around.
"Hey Mel!" She smiles before getting up from her seat. She walks away and I sit awkwardly, eating my meal. Her vibe was weird, like she didn't like me but she did at the same time. I sigh, shrugging my shoulders before taking a bite of my rice and beans. Raven continues talking and glances over at me. She stares at me as she says a few things before ending the call. Placing a smile on her face, she walks over to me and sighs softly. "Hey, it looks like I've gotta go. It was nice getting to really meet you. I'm sure Elijah will be giving you a call soon." She smiles once more before rolling her eyes slightly and swooping up her purse. I swallow the lump in my throat and blush.

"If you're not okay with it I won't do it. Really I don't want to come in between-" she doesn't finish hearing me out before she turns away and walks off. My face heats up from embarrassment and I drop my fork back onto my plate. I couldn't help but feel like she'd just made a fool out of me. Shaking my head I decided to give Elijah a call to tell him that I won't be taking him up on his offer. His phone goes straight to voicemail and I sigh.
"Please leave a message after the tone." The automated voicemail tells me and I stand from my seat.
"Hey Elijah... um I wanted to say that I'm not comfortable with the threesome... sorry. I think it's best if you find someone else... I'll see you at the gallery sometime!" I end the call.


"Baby..." Elijah's raspy voice says as I slip into the room. I smile softly at him before climbing onto the bed.
"Have you learned your lesson? You don't like being trapped do you?" I say as I cup his face in my hands. His eyes bore into mine as he shakes his head and licks his lips.
"You've kept me in here for three days." His voice cracks due to the dryness in his mouth.
"I had to get my point across..." I say softly and he searches my eyes with his own. His wrists were red and irritated and he had bags under his eyes. Maybe I did go a little to far... but at the same time he didn't consider me when he'd lock me in the black room for a night. I un-cuff one of his wrists and he lets out a sound of relief. After I've moved onto the other I climb off of him and watch as he sits up. A deep grunt falls from him as he cracks his bones.
"Can I have that water?" He asks, referring to the cold water bottle I'd sat on the dresser.
"Of course baby." I say sweetly before gripping the bottle. I hand it over to him and he quickly screws the cap off and gulps down the water. After he's finished it he sets it down on the side dresser before reaching for his phone. He clicks the screen on before scanning through the notifications on lock screen.
"Do you have my credit card?" He asks, his thick brows furrowed as he looks up at me.

I nod and slip my hand into my purse. I pull out my wallet before retrieving his card and setting it on the side dresser. He stares at it for a moment before slowly looking back up at me.
"What did you buy?" He asks softly as he pulls the sheet from over his naked body.
"A few purses, some shoes and a necklace." I reply as he stands up and slowly walks over to the bathroom.
"Did you have fun?" He asks once he's inside and I nod.
"Mhm... I took Analia with me." I say and he turns to look at me.
"That's good." He smiles softly before turning on the shower. He gets the water nice and hot before slipping behind the glass doors. I watch him for a moment before slipping out of my clothing. Joining him in the shower I wrap my arms around his waist before resting my head on his back. Silence runs over us as he washes his body, his breathing a little unsteady. "I need my pills..." He suddenly says before forcing my arms from around him. I furrow my brows as he slams the shower door open and heads over to the sink. He opens up the mirror and grabs two bottles. He shakes them, realizing they were empty and begins to panic. "Raven... I was supposed to go get these refilled the other day... fuck!" He yells out before tossing them in the floor. My eyes widen as he pulls at his hair and paces the bathroom.

"Elijah... what are those for?" I ask quietly but he ignores me, continuing to talk to himself.
"You have to refill them. I need them Raven... I'm not sane without it." He says scooping the bottles from the ground. I step from the shower and wrap a towel around myself. "Here." He says, shoving the bottles into my hands. My brows furrow as I look down and read the labels.
"Anti-tremor... antipsychotic..." I whisper to myself before shaking my head. "Elijah... wh-what does this mean?" I ask and he shakily wraps a towel around his waist. I knew he was crazy but I didn't know he was actually fucking crazy. I set the bottles onto the sink and begin to walk out. I hurriedly shuffle through his dresser for some undergarments and pull them on. I search for some clothes also but as I'm in the process his arms wrap around me.
"Please Raven... help me." He begs and I shove him off.
"No... I -I can't do this." I say as I pull in some sweat pants.
"I can't drive like this! Please!" He begs, his eyes welling with tears and he drops to his knees. "Help me Raven please..." He whispers before curling up. His arms hug around his knees as he rocks himself back and forth.
"I'll get them b-but after this I'm done Elijah..." I say and he stares up at me, his grey eyes watery and almost childlike.

"Yeah?" He asks and I slowly nod my head. His bottom lip begins to tremble and I swallow the lump in my throat. "This is why I didn't tell you... they all run away... I'm not going to hurt you Raven! I-I just want you to love me. You love me right? You told me you loved me before you locked me in here for three days, with no water or food!" He shouts and I jump. "But I still love you... I forgive you baby... please don't leave like them..." He begs, his arms wrapping around my legs. I continue to stare down at him, speechless.
"Who left you Elijah?" I ask and he sniffles, tears still running down his freckled cheeks.
"My mother..." He whispers after awhile. "When she found out what was wrong with me she dropped me off at my grandmas house and fled. I was only eight... my grandma died when I was sixteen and I lived with myself after that. Please Raven I don't want to be alone again. I've had girlfriends butt they all run away. Don't run away baby!" He sobs and shoves his face into my leg. Slowly I let my hand run through his hair and he begins to relax.
"Get in the bed... I'll get your medicine and pick you something up to eat on my way back..." I say and he looks up at me. A smile spreads across his lips, showing off his deep dimple.
"I love you Raven..." He says softly before releasing me. I stand mute for a moment before sighing softly.
"I... I love you too." I spit out and he stands to his feet. His lips kiss my cheek and he climbs into the bed, after ridding it of the sheets and stares at me. I swallow once again and turn away from him and into the bathroom. I grab the bottles and ask him what pharmacy to go to. Once he gives me the information, I grab his car keys and I'm on my way.


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