Chapter Twenty-One

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Analia fixes her bunny ears before turning towards me.
"How do I look?" She asks before striking a pose.
"Sexy..." I lick my lips and she giggles before making her way over to me.
"Not as sexy as you... let me see your fangs again." She whispers before running her thumb across my lips. I smirk before letting out a seductive growl, my gold fangs showing as I pull her into the bed. Biting into her lip she lets out another little giggle as I climb between her legs. I stare down at her with my orange contacts and she reaches up to wrap her arms around my neck.
"We don't wanna be late to the party..." I mumble as she begins to pull me down.
"I just want a kiss..." She whispers, her lips lightly on mine. Smiling I let my lips merge into hers as I hold her waist. Her teeth nip my bottom lip and I open my mouth to allow her soft heated tongue to slip in.
"Mmm... Baby... lets-mm... lets get going." I groan into her mouth as she begins to grind herself against me.
"We can have our own private party..." She whispers before her lips trail along my jawline and down to her neck. My chest rumbles as I let out a chuckle.
"Stop being a bad girl for once and lets go. Damn I tie you up once and next thing I know you're the damn energizer bunny when we get in bed." I joke and she pulls back with a giggle.

Flipping her hair from her face she bats her lashes at me.
"But I am a bunny." She says cutely and I chuckle as I grip her waist.
"A bad bunny." I growl before swatting her ass. She jumps a bit before smiling down at me.
"One more kiss before we leave." She says and I nod before pulling her face down. Our lips lock once more and I tug at her softly plump ones with my own. "I really like you Elijah..." She mumbles against my lips and we stop kissing. Opening my eyes I stare into her own as she flutters her lashes.
"I really like you too." I admit softly before caressing her waist. An innocent smile creeps across her lips before she fixes her bunny ears once more and tosses her long ponytail over her shoulder.
"Lets go." She says before pulling herself from my lap. Licking my lips I watch the sway of her hips as she walks into the bathroom. When she comes back her phone is in her hand and she sets it down on the bed. Slipping her white gloves on she makes sure they fit snugly before looking over at me. "Come on lazy!" She giggles before grabbing my hand and pulling me up. I grunt a bit before letting a ghost of a smirk appear on my lips.

"I'm surprised that I'm letting you leave the house with that on. If I see any man looking at you wrong we're coming right back here." I say as I stand from the bed. Laughing a bit she straps the back of her light blue high heels.
"Even if they were I'm only worried about you." She says before giving me a wink. Her heels clack against the floor as she struts out of the room and I trap my bottom lip between my teeth.
"So damn sexy..." I groan to myself before following behind her. Slapping my hand across the light switch I turn the light off before shutting the door. My white timberlands pound against the hardwood stairs as I make my way down them. Analia wraps her trench coat around her body before tying it off. Grasping my jacket from the hook by the door I toss it on before grabbing my keys off of the hook. I open the front door and let baby girl walk out before setting the alarm. I shut and lock up the house before unlocking my car doors.
"Baby can I drive?" Ana asks and I give her the look.
"You know this is my baby." I say before opening up the passenger side for her.

"Aw! Eli! I won't mess it up! I promise!" She says and I shake my head with a chuckle. Pouting she slips into the car and I shut the door behind her.
"Another time babe." I say as I slip into the vehicle. She turns her head away, ignoring me and I chuckle again. Before I start the car I grab her chin and make her look at me before kissing her lips tenderly. A small smile begins to creep across her lips causing me to smile also
"Stop being such a charmer!" She blushes before turning her face away from me. I laugh and sit straight in my seat. Strapping myself in I wait for her to do also before staring the car and pulling out of the driveway.

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