|7| |Multiple POVs|

53 3 27

Ajsjdjsjs this is kinda bad and VERY long but I'll still publish it. It's a filler. Bear with

~Third Year ~

As Lily Luna Potter walks across the great hall towards me, I cast my eyes instinctually towards Albus. He looked disappointed, but not surprised. Scorpius tries to comfort him, but he's not doing a very good job of it - Cassie told me his mother died. Those two are really going through a lot...

My eyes are diverted to a little way down the table, where James Potter is grinning at me.
"Did you miss me, little girl?"
"You wish, Potter."
Amna, who is sat next to me, sends me a look of Char, we've only been here for five minutes, don't get us into any fights, and reluctantly I turn away from him, scanning the hall for my friends scattered in different colours across the room.


"Are you okay?" I sit next to a very confused-looking Lily Potter. She looks at me, and smiles.
"Char? I've heard a lot about you. Nice to meet you." How - how does she know who I am? Albus must have said more about me than I'd thought...
"Nice - nice to meet you too. Do you.. have a problem?"
"Oh, uh, yeah... I just can't get the hang of Wingardium Leviosa. All my friends can do it, and I can't. I'm a rubbish witch," she finishes under her breath.
"No you're not! I have a friend who struggled with that spell, and she has gotten top marks in almost every class. Some things just take practice. Hey, show me what you're doing right now."
"Okay... Wingardium Leviosa!" Nothing.
"Try - with a little more swish. Look." I show her, and Lily copies me. "Give it a go."
The feather moves slightly.
"Hey, that's an improvement! Some spells take time. Just keep practicing." I pat her on the shoulder, and stand up, suddenly seeing James Potter from across the room looking at me. I ignore him, and go to leave the room, but he grabs my arm, then quickly dropping it.
"Thank you," he says, quietly. I nod slightly, and step out into the cool hallway.

I lean on Cassie's shoulder in the Hufflepuff common room on the Sunday afternoon, grumbling.
"You have ages to write these out later. Come on, it's so sunny outside, let's go play some quidditch or something!" I don't expect her to say anything. She's been sitting writing revision notes for almost an hour now, without moving an inch, and I'm so bored. To my surprise, however, she sits up.
"I guess I should take a break..."
"Yes!" I punch the air, and find as many friends within the common room as I can. Looking bemused, Em and Steph follow me as I drag Cassie up. She shakes her head, chuckling slightly, and I text on the egg groupchat, rushing towards the grounds.

"To me! To me!" I pass to Amna, and she swoops towards the goal. Cassie calls out, and the ball is passed to her, and I zoom across the pitch to receive the pass. Dodging around Leah, I shoot the ball through the centre hoop and let out a cheer.
Obviously, students aren't allowed to use the bludgers or the snitch unless you're playing for the team, which very few of us are. So instead we play for the first to 150 points. Happily, I high-five my teammates, and we land. It's getting dark at this point - dinner starts in just a few minutes.

"I didn't even finish the notes, the test is tomorrow... oh my god, why'd I do this," groans Cassie. Of all of us, even the Ravenclaws, she tends to revise the most. She says it's because otherwise she just feels guilty. I can tell her heart isn't in the complaining though - she likes Quidditch as much as the rest of us, even if she isn't exactly good at it.

"C'mon, Cassie, you had a good time. You need to take breaks," Steph says, packing the quaffle and the brooms away with Caoimhe. She shrugs over-dramatically and starts to walk back to the castle. I follow just behind her, preparing myself for a huge meal. Hogwarts dinners are THE BEST.

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