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Jungkook fell asleep while jimin taking attendance,
He watched the younger pouting in his sleep making him smile.

" ok anyone have questions? " jimin asked after closing the attendance book.

The students looked at each other while some just replied simply " no ".

" ok then as a gift from me use what left of this class as a free time " jimin looked at jungkook with a small chuckle before walking to the door.

" isnt it just because of jeon? " one of the girls said.
Jimin stopped walking and turned to look at her.
" so? What if it was because of him "
he asked coldly.

Taehyung elbowed jungkook making him wake up.
" what the f- " taehyung shushed jungkook stopping him from saying anything more and pointed at jimin who was walking toward the girl.

" you're not being fair! We study hard and try our best but we got lower scores than jungkook " she said in polite tone scared of the intense gaze by jimin.

" you know i am a music teacher right? " jimin leaned close to her face as she nodded " and i don't control all of your grades " he added.

" if you failed to achieve the score you needed you should have spent time on studying rather than accusing me of failing you or passing him " jimin said before walking to the desk and leaning back at it.

" i don't care what you guys think about me, but i don't treat him better because i am dating him. "
The students gasped from jimin confession.

" you're dating jungkook " one of the students asked.

Jimin face palmed after realizing he just admitted to his students his dating another student.. which is jungkook.

" keep it a secret? " jimin said in a questionable tone making the student laugh at his cute reaction.

" anyway dont blame me if you fail, for god sake i am just a music teacher and believe me i helped raise your grades as much as i can. " jimin sighed.
Jungkook was staring at jimin until their eyes met.

Jimin blushed and turned his face.
" well happy to tell you she wasted the free time i gave you all " with that all student got mad at that girl while jimin took this as an escaping opportunity.

A hand blocked jimin from leaving.
" going somewhere " jungkook asked as he showed his boyfriend his bunny smile.

" office? " jimin blushed as he looked back and tried to leave but ended up pinned on the wall just next to the classroom door from outside.

The students stopped talking as they watched the two males staring at each other.

Jimin looked at the class from the corner of his eyes.
" let go kookie "

Jungkook smirked and leaned closer while placing his knee between jimin thighs.

" jeon ju- " jungkook lips interrupted jimin as they heard the class screaming and some cooeing at the kiss scene in front of them.

Jimin kissed back and as jungkook freed his hand he used the attendance book to hit him in the head.

" ouch! What was that for? "
jungkook asked as he rubbed his head.

" in case i get fired because of you " jimin said with a shy smile before walking away leading the younger to smile goofily as he watched his boyfriend.


Mr.Lee heard about the rumors about jimin and jungkook, so he waited jimin to make sure if what he heard was still true or false.

" oh mr.lee.. what are you still doing here? " Jimin asked as he walked toward his office to get his stuff.

" waiting for you " Mr.Lee answered while trapping jimin between his arm making him lean on the desk behind him.

" mm.. can you move please? " jimin asked politely.
" i have a question " Mr.Lee ignored jimin request.
Jimin rolled his eyes before releasing a deep sigh.

" i heard rumors.. are you dating jungkook? "
Mr.Lee asked in a serious tone.

" i think you already know the answer? "
Jimin answered.

" i know but i meant are you serious about him?! "
Mr.Lee asked as he stared deep into jimin eyes.

" why would i date a student if i am not serious? "
Jimin asked in disbelief.

" so that mean i really have no chance.. "
Mr.Lee asked in a sad tone as jimin nodded.

" now can you please move? I need to- "
Mr.Lee lips interrupted jimin into a forceful kiss that was sloppy and just not right.

" the fuck? " jimin heard a familiar voice curse while he tried pushing the older teacher away from him but failed.

Mr.Lee looked at jimin after pulling away.
" if i don't have a chance i will make one "

" please mr.lee this is real life not a fucking fiction, kissing your crush while trying your best to impress him and take him away from his lover doesn't always work in real life. " jungkook said pushing him away slowly.

" especially when both lovers are so.. in love? " jungkook said as he wrapped his hand around jimin waist looking at the other teacher from the corner of his eyes " right chimy? " jungkook smiled giving jimin his signature bunny smile.

Jimin pinched his cheeks while nodding.
" you will regret it jeon. " Mr.Lee glared at jungkook.

" well sorry for being so damn hot? " jungkook said sarcastically as he pulled jimin " and you be glad that i can't lock you away from people "

Jimin laughed as he hugged the younger while walking with him. " believe me i am tired from all of this ".

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