Here's all the individual reasons that I'm bad at writing fanfiction

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1. Homestuck ruined my writing career in ways that I'm not sure I will be able to repair.

 I can only write in the 2nd person, and it is very clearly the fault of that godforsaken hell comic. I like Homestuck, but reading it at such a young age caused my writing style to get fucked. I also dislike writing fanfiction in the first person, because at that point it feels like a self-insert. I don't mean a reader-insert, I mean a situation in which the author sticks themselves into the story itself. 1st person is, in my book, only okay in stories where it's the author who is speaking. 

And don't  get me started on writing in 3rd person. I can't tell when to put the character's name or just stick a pronoun in it's place. My pacing is shitty and I cannot figure out why. That kinda sucks, because the 3rd person is my favorite. 

2. I only liked one thing and now I don't like that anymore.

From May to the end of July, I had one (1) obsession. That obsession was Car Boys, which was just a fuckin wild ride from start to finish. I loved it crazy much. I especially loved Nick Robinson. I guess I related to his awkward weeb persona, or I liked the way he looked, or something. But, on August 4th, a bunch of sexual harassment claims surfaced, and all of them seemed to point to him. 

I'm leaving a bunch of backstory out, but that's the gist of it. I loved Car Boys, but since Nick Robinson turned out to be a creep, I couldn't bring myself to love it anymore.

This put a big damper on my fanfic career. I almost exclusively wrote about Car Boys, and, by extension, Nick. I stopped writing altogether for like a month. I've started again, but I'm never writing about him. 

3. I never finish anything.

So after the whole Nick thing went down, and after a month of radio silence from me, I started writing again. I had just discovered The Adventure Zone, and I loved those boys to bits, so why not write a fanfic? I started one, wrote a few paragraphs, and then, like clockwork, forgot about it and left it to rot in the abyss of my google docs. It happened again, and again, and again. 

I don't know if this is a procrastination problem, or a problem that's caused by me getting bored with all my stories. I have an extremely short attention span, and I'm very lazy, so getting bored is a very legitimate excuse.

In conclusion: I suck.

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