Meeting Bendy

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(Y/N)'S POV:
  I heard a voice scream my name but I couldn't scream back. "Shh child " said the figure in a demonic voice . " I can't control it , but you must listen to me." He said as I nodded slowly . Then he said , " I want to help you , if you walk any further you will get hurt ... it's best if you go down with me " . He formed into ink and slipped under the boards and reformed as he wiped the ink on his face , looking a lot shorter then I saw behind the board .  " My name is Bendy! Bendy the dancing demon! And what's yours? " he asked as he smiled. I couldn't help but blush and said my name. " My n-name is (y- (y/n).. " I spuddered. "Nice name, (y/n)! " he said. "anyway follow me, there's a place you can stay for now. " Said Bendy as he leaded me to the exit. The floor beneath us broke as we fell. I screamed but stopped as I felt a grip on my waist. I started blushing like crazy when I saw it was bendy who was holding me. And I saw a pinch of blush on him too we kept falling in that position.

I heard (y/n) scream so I had to get her attention some way. Without thinking, I quickly grabbed her waist . I fought my blush, but only a little bit was visible. But that all stopped when I was close to hitting the ground. I put her above me so she hit the ground after me, which left me hitting the ground first. I hit the ground and everything went black, not knowing of (y/n)'s in the same way as I am.

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